Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Sokolova I.Y. 1 Ivanova T.V. 2
1 FGBOU VPO “National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University”
2 GOU SPO “Prokopievsk Mining Technical School named after V.P. Romanov”
The article represents theoretical foundations (hypothesis. conceptions, the complex of diagnostics of educational training quality, important connections determined on the basis of correlation analyses) of creation of monitoring of training quality of teachers-researches, post-graduates students ,applicants, persons working for Ph. D, degree. The content and structure of monitoring, including 3 stages are developed. At the first stage with the help of specially selected tests, techniques, with a view to self-knowledge, self-development of teachers-researches, the diagnostics of basic properties of the nervous system, functional symmetry-asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres, personal potential (gnosiological, intellectual, communicative, creative and so on) types of interpersonal relations, propensities to pedagogical, research activity is conducted. At the second stage development levels of pedagogues-researches are diagnosed: abilities to self-development, self-education; professional-pedagogical abilities-didactic, gnostic, constructive, designing, organizational, communicative; and also styles of representations and decisions of problems, styles of training, competents, competencies. At the third stage the diagnostics of development levels of logical, pictorial, spatial thinking and general intellect of schoolchildren, students is conducted. It is necessary for evaluation of effectiveness of technologies, didactic, software and methodological tools of training that are developed and used by teachers-researches in the educational systems that characterizes the quality of their theses investigations.
monitoring of training quality of teachers-researches
diagnostics of development of personal potential
competencies of teachers-researchers
development of basic intelligence
spatial thinking of schoolchildren
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Diagnostics and ensuring of quality of knowledge, education of students , quality of training of specialists was and is one of the main tasks of any educational system and the integral component of the learning process at school, college, university.

Adequate and continuous diagnostics of the quality of education is becoming an increasingly important stimulus of personal, intellectual, professional and creative development of schoolchildren, students of secondary and higher education institutions. This is testified by results of activity of Educational centers of monitoring of training quality established in different educational systems.

Side by side with this the necessity is ripe and the aim was set: for creation of monitoring of the quality of training of teachers-researchers in the system of postgraduates – Doctorate that required the determination of its theoretical and practical foundations.

Theoretical foundation for monitoring of the quality of professional and pedagogical qualifications of the teacher- researcher is following.

1. The conception of quality of pedagogical personnel training is developed by I.Y. Sokolova [7]. According to this concept, the quality of education, the training quality of pedagogical personnel is evaluated by the level of development of their scientific outlook, intelligence (different intellectual abilities) and formation of psychological activity system (PSA), including motives, goals, programming, information activity base, decision-making unit, professionally important qualities that are valued in the orientation on teacher professionalism, its components are offered by N.V. Kuzmina [2] and supplemented by I.Yu. Sokolova [9].

In accordance with the developed conception [9], the quality of specialists training at the university can be achieved when in educational process three groups of psycho-pedagogical technologies of training (research, design, and interaction – organization the educational process ) are used. The effectiveness of these technologies can be achieved if the educational process takes into account the individual psychological characteristics, the propensity of students to different areas of the subject, professional activities and the principles of humanization of education, development and self-development, the basic psychological conceptions and didactic principles of education, the conceptions of PSA, principles of health preservation are implemented [9].

2. Conception of the personality professionalism and activity of the teacher by N.V. Kuzmina [2], according to which the professionalism of the teacher is characterized by its orientation, different abilities (perceptual- reflective, didactic, constructive, design, etc.) and competence (social – pedagogical, vocational- pedagogical, methodological, social – psychological, differential-psychological, etc.), and the professionalism of the teacher comes in possession of technology of research, design and interaction. Furthermore, in our opinion, the professionalism of the teacher is indicated when he creates training manuals, textbooks, including computer version, a creative educational environment in domains of knowledge in educational systems as a whole [9].

3. Conception of professional development of the personality of E.I. Rogov [4. To his mind, the formation of the professionalism of the teacher occurs in three main directions:

– thechange of the whole system of activity, its functions and hierarchical structure. In this there is a movement of the personality on the steps of professional skills, the personal style of activity forms;

– the change of the personality of the subject, outwardly manifested in motor skills, speech, emotionality in spheres of communication, that indicates the formation of professional world outlook;

– the change of relevant components of the attitude of the subject to the object of activity, manifested in cognitive, emotional, practical spheres. [4, pp.8].

In the making of the pedagogue- professional leading factors, as noted by E.I. Rogov are personal peculiarities of the specialist, functional structure of activity and its object, and all other factors – derived from the main [4, pp. 9].

4. The hypothesis that the main characteristics of endowments in teenager and adult ages in the sphere of pedagogical and research activities are functional symmetry of the cerebral hemispheres (equal manifestation of functions of the left and right hemispheres), high level of development of sparital, systems thinking and dominance of idealistic and analytical styles of presentation and problem solving, which is constantly confirmed by I.Yu. Sokolova in the practice of management of activities of students, postgraduates, competitor s[6].

5. Established on the basis of correlation analysis, significant positive relations of synthetic, idealistic, analytical intellectual styles with functions of the right hemishere of the brain, and significant positive relations of realistic and pragmatic of thinking styles with the functions of the left hemisphere of the brain (I.Yu. Sokolova, A.V. Andrienko [9]).

6. Complex of educational training quality diagnostic (KDKOP) established M.G. Minin [3]. In the structure of this diagnostic complex there are several routines that allow to evaluate the quality of mastering of the content of academic disciplines, and the type and the character of co-operative activity of the teacher and the student, the effectiveness of a teacher’s work, the quality of curricula and programs, the level of training of students in a particular educational institution, the quality of main and additional educational services in the educational system.

M.G. Minin rightly considers that pedagogical diagnostics should be focused on the following objectives:

1) identification of gaps in mastering of knowledge,

2) internal and external correction in case of exposure of discrepancy between results of training and determined goals,

3) the planning of the next stages of the educational process;

4) the motivation through rewards for successful operation and the regulation of the complexity of the subsequent steps,

5) improving the learning environment.

Sharing this point of view, we note that a significant component of educational assessment is its psychological component, which includes the study of personal (intellectual, creative, etc.) potential, levels of development of its components among schoolchildren, students, post graduate students, and their inclinations to the subject, the professional activity; change of the levels of development of intellectual and other abilities under condition of application of appropriate technologies, methods and forms of education.

Diagnosis of these features can be used if monitoring of the quality of education and psycho-pedagogical research technologies is used in the educational process [1].

The basis for the practical implementation of monitoring of the training quality of the teacher-researchers are specially-selected and tested in long-term activity of educational psychologist tests, allowing with minimum time to identify the individual psychological peculiarities, its propensity to different fields, which are presented in teaching methodological manuals:

  • Tool “Diagnostics of individual psychological peculiarities of students” developed by I.Yu. Sokolova [5], which includes a program of work of the school psychologist with teachers, parents, students of junior, middle and senior classes and appropriate tests;
  • “From self-awareness to self-realization” – Collection of tests for students, postgraduate students, teachers contains diagnostic tests for functional symmetry and asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres, temperament, character accentuation , personality types (structural drawing of a man – the test of Ann Mahoney, professional preferences questionnaire of D. Golland ), types of interpersonal relationships of Leary, development tests of general intelligence, logical, spatial and imaginative thinking, the level of claims, the development of communication and organizational skills, the self, creativity. Tests of V.I. Andreev. Assessment of the ability to self-development, self-education, Evaluation of the level of competitiveness of the personality, self-actualization test (CAT), etc. [11];
  • The collection of tests for teachers “My style of activity” [8] contains the tests: assessing the professional orientation of the teacher, the formal diagnosis of dynamic properties of individuality (OFDSI) V.M. Rusalova, personal qualities of teachers “psychological personality profile”, the ability of the teacher to empathy, styles of teaching activity, types of interpersonal relationships, self-esteem of professional competence and abilities to professional activity, measuring of achievement motivation, communicative and organizational skills, self-test “willingness to self development”, etc.

Effectiveness of methods, techniques, didactic, software -methodological tools, etc developed by teacher- researches is measured at the level of formation of knowledge and relevant skills and abilities of students.

Based on the above the monitoring of training quality of teacher-researchers in the system of postgraduate – doctorate which provides the continuous monitoring of the quality of post-graduate training of postgraduate students and doctorates is developed. The content and structure of the monitoring, having 4 levels, are presented in the table.

The purpose of monitoring: to identify the potential, creative possibilities of postgraduate students, doctorates, knowledge of which is necessary for them to develop themselves, to develop their personal potential – intellectual, creative, gnosiological and others, and qualities which are necessary for effective research and professional – pedagogical educational activity.

Monitoring of training quality of teacher – research in the system of post – graduate – doctorate


Stages of research of professional-pedagogical and research training of teachers-researchers

Indicators of training quality of teacher, psychologist-researcher

Measuring tools


Diagnosis of levels of personal development (intellectual, creative, etc.) potential and individual psychological peculiarities, professional abilities of the teacher-researchers, psychologist-researcher

gnostic, acseological, creative, communicative, artistic potentials, the properties of the nervous system (NS), FCA, intellectual abilities, thinking styles, interpersonal relations







professional-pedagogical abilities, competence, competency, developed didactic tools forms, methods and techniques of learning, creative educational environment in the domains of knowledge, training aids, training-methodical aids, including computer manuals, complexes



tests, assessment of

level of development

of intellectual, creative subject and professio-nal abilities of students, schoolchildren


Research of the development of professional-pedagogical abilities, competence , competency , possession of didactic means, methods, technologies of training

articles in scientific journals , collections of papers , monograph, participation in grants , conferences , training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff ( for doctoral students)

amount and quality of articles, monographs, reports, conference papers, the number of defended PhD thesis


Research of improving of scientific-research qualification

The theme of thesis, its contents, level of readiness to defend

The actuality of research, compliance with Higher Attestation Commission

Periodicity of assessment of quality training of teacher-researchers in the system of postgraduate-doctorate

1. The assessment of the level of development of potential and its components is taken place twice a year, at the beginning and at the end of the school year.

2. The assessment of the level of development of professional pedagogical abilities and competence, its components is taken place twice , at the beginning and at the end of the school year.

3. The assessment of the level of professional-pedagogical activity, which manifests itself in development by the teacher of technologies and teacher training methods , in creation of textbooks, and teaching aids, including computer, in the creation of creative educational environment in the domain of knowledge, etc. is held once a year, at the end of the calendar year.

4. The assessment of the level of research qualifications for certification is taken place annually at the end of the calendar year.

5. The assessment of content and the level of readiness of the dissertation research is taken place once or twice at the methodological seminar and at the predefendence.

Results of practical application of monitoring are presented in the article [6].

The content of monitoring of the training quality of the teacher-researcher in postgraduate sc system – Doctorate [9] can be used to assess the quality of professional-pedagogical qualifications of teachers in systems of Qualification Improving Institutes.

Библиографическая ссылка

Sokolova I.Y., Ivanova T.V. MONITORING OF TRAINING QUALITY OF TEACHERS-RESEARCHERS IN THE SYSTEM OF POSTGRADUATES-DOCTORATE // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 9. – С. 3-7;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=6378 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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