Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Prokop’ev M.N. 1 Savin V.A. 1
1 Medical Institute Surgut state University

Technology organization and implementation of the educational process in higher education is multifaceted and ongoing process of improvement. One of the important directions of this work is to improve the system of control of knowledge of students. One component of the control system, in our opinion, is the point-rating system of evaluation of student work in the process of training and production, research, extracurricular activities, and also of determining the ranking of the graduate output.

Our proposed ranking model estimation of multicomponent cognitive activity of students has two directions:

1) the rating of the assimilation of the compulsory curriculum in the discipline;

2) the rating of students’ independent work (level of motivation), which includes the evaluation of such activities as labor discipline (lectures and workshops), work with educational and scientific literature, educational research and scientific-research work of students.

The success of the study of individual disciplines and student activities is estimated by the sum of points, which together determine the rating of the student in the learning process, and upon completion of the study program of the discipline.

To register the amount of points developed “Rating student card”, which covers all assessment criteria student work indicating the maximum amount of points they can receive for each type of academic work. In addition, the “Rating card to the student” are evaluative criteria of their learning activities, as “the standard rate”, “Actual rating” and “Passing rating”:

– regulatory rating reflects the maximum possible amount of points that a student can get during the period of development of the discipline;

– the actual rating is expressed as the amount of points that a student gaining work in the semester when passing a checkpoint of the current and final control;

– a passing rating shows low points, gaining which, the student will be deemed certified in the discipline. So, if a student graduates gaining score, which is in magnitude less than the flow rating of the subject is considered to be undeveloped, and the main educational program in the specialty is not performed.

“Rating student card” is stored at the Department and completed by the teacher at the end of the sequence of topics in the discipline on the basis of:

– magazine group classes, which is used to record data on the progress and attendance of practical classes, seminars, final practice;

– log attendance of lectures on the discipline studied;

– submitted by student “Portfolio” to study the discipline in which displayed him self out-of-class educational, research and research.

– the “Portfolio” presented by the student on the studied discipline in which its independent out-of-class educational, educational and research and research activity is displayed.

Ехperience of use of ball and rating system of an assessment of knowledge for students when studying training programs of such disciplines as epidemiology and infectious diseases, I showed the obvious positive reasons for its widespread introduction in educational process. In particular, it gives the chance to the teacher:

– in due time to introduce amendments in the organization of educational process by results of the current rating control;

– with high degree of objectivity to determine for each student his total assessment by discipline taking into account systematic work;

At the same time and students receive positive result from introduction of ball and rating system of an assessment of their work and knowledge. In particular, it allows students:

– to understand system of formation of the current and total estimates on disciplines and other types of works within educational process;

– to realize need of systematic work on implementation of the curriculum on the basis of knowledge of the current rating assessment of each discipline and following the results of performance of other types of study prior to the beginning of examinations;

– during an educational semester in due time to introduce amendments on the organization and realization of the current independent work.

The management of a higher educational institution, thus, has an opportunity more objectively to estimate the level of training of students and in due time to resolve administrative organizational issues on updating of curricula, by consideration of candidates for receipt in postgraduate study, at purpose of grants, questions on employment of graduates.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Current issues of science and education”, may 19–23, 2015, Moscow, came to the editorial office оn 17.04.2015.

Библиографическая ссылка

Prokop’ev M.N., Savin V.A. TO THE QUESTION OF IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONTROL OF KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2015. – № 3. – С. 13-13;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=7796 (дата обращения: 11.05.2024).

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