Scientific journal
International Journal of Experimental Education
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

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The beginning of cognitive science was in 1960. Cognitive technology in computer science is combination of methods, algorithms and software for modeling the cognitive abilities of the human brain to solve specific application problems [1, 2]. Cognitive technologies based on the achievements of scientific disciplines (mathematics, artificial intelligence and data mining, information technology), and largely invariant with respect to the subject area. For example – recognition; identifying patterns in the data; solving computer-aided design of complex systems; decision support systems with fuzzy input; etc. In the last century, the founders of cybernetics Alexander Bogdanov, Norbert Wiener, John Von Neumann formulated the idea of the combining a computer with human abilities. Cognitive technologies based on the achievements of scientific disciplines (mathematics, artificial intelligence and data mining, information technology), and largely invariant with respect to the subject area. This approach has been practically implemented for the development of nuclear energy for military and peaceful purposes (Los Alamos, Arzamas-16). To reduce project time and the number of expensive full-scale and experiments specialized the computer systems such as Knowledge Based Engineering, Computer Aided Engineering. The models are based on the “Physics” [3].

Numerical methods have considerable complexity. These reasons are complicated the possibility of preliminary design stage, which is considered a lot of options. Therefore, models based on a cognitive approach become natural. They are built on the basis of scientific and intuitive analysis of data obtained by means of theoretical, experimental, numerical studies. In addition, the specialist should have a basic knowledge of the construction and analysis of numerical algorithms, the planning computational experiments and at least one programming language.

The reported study was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Research project No. 14-07-00564-а).


The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference "MODERN HIGH TECHNOLOGIES", Israel, April25 -2 May, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 02.04.2014