Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Dedykina M.I. 1 Ivanova M.I. 1
1 Northeast federal university of a name of M.K.Ammosov
1. Preschool education: the Dictionary of terms / N.A. Vinogradova. – М: the Airis-press, 2005.
2. The Conceptually-terminological Russian-Yakut dictionary on psychology: in 4 p. – P. 4/ Under the editorship of A.P. Okoneshnikova. – Yakutsk, 1994.
3. Yakut-Russian dictionary / Under the editorship of Sleptsov P.А. – М.: Publishing house «Soviet encyclopaedia», 1972. – М.: the Soviet encyclopaedia, 1972. – 608p.
4. Shadrikov V.D. Origin of humanity. – М., 2001.
5. Mizherikov V.A. Dictionary- directory on pedagogics. – М.: Creative centre «Sphere», 2004.
6. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Dictionary-directory: in 2 p. – P. 2. – М., 2003.

Transition to school training assumes expansion of a circle of communications of children. Communication is understood as semantic aspect of social interaction of the child with different people, information function is realised in this process; [1, p. 131]. Successful training at school, mastering by children of a teaching material (information) in a greater degree depends on development of speech culture of dialogue. From here it is possible to tell that one of the key moments is development of their communicative abilities and culture of speech dialogue in system of purposeful work of preparation of children of preschool age to training at school.

The Yakut people have the original traditions of dialogue. Education of children of preschool age at Yakuts, their introduction in dialogue, in a social circle also have the traditions which we conditionally name traditions «кэпсиэ». «Кэпсээ» («кэпсиэ») – the usual form of a greeting at Yakuts [3; p. 220]. «Кэпсэтинньэн» – loving to talk, talkative, garrulous; кэпсэтигэн о5о – the talkative child [3; p. 220].

In national pedagogics the great attention is given to the relation. Researcher V.D. Shadrikov notices that the greatest number of the concepts characterising the person, are connected with the qualities defining his relation to other people, to good and harm [4; p.193].

The relation is an important point of development of culture of speech dialogue of children. The RELATION (ОТНОШЕНИЕ) – the prefix OТ means branch from himself; that the person carries behind the soul (trust, fidelity; confidence, conviction), always was an indicator of level of internal culture of the carrier. In this sense dialogue is a dialogue of cultures under the relation to each other and another. People distinguish set of kinds of relations and mutual relations of people: educational relations, social relations, professional relations, etc.

The relation is a basis for development of culture of speech dialogue of children. The given development can have some levels:

Firstly, in the course of dialogue, curiosity should appear both at the child, and at the interlocutor. Curiosity – is situational interest to something [5; p. 191].

Secondly, the characteristic party of development of culture of speech dialogue is inquisitiveness. Inquisitiveness – is the line of the person characterised by the active informative relation to the validity [5; p. 191]. That is, in the course of dialogue the child is able to interest the interlocutor in the conversation maintenance.

Thirdly, the characteristic party is the requirement. Somebody who communicates with the child has a requirement defined as need in something objectively necessary, internal stimulus of activity of the person [1; p. 293].

The highest level of development of communicative qualities of the person is management of motivation. The motivation – the relation to the reasons and the factors operating behaviour of separately taken person and also supports their behaviour in the present state of affairs [6; p. 261]. But, this management has no direct character.

Thus, correct use of means of nonverbal speech, lexicon enrichment, construction of the various moments of social relations, pedagogical work with parents and teachers of preschool educational establishment act as conditions of development of culture of speech dialogue of children of preschool age . These conditions, in turn, are a basis for positive use of traditions of the people of Sakha. It is possible to carry to such traditions:

– conversation in not clear language for adults;

– conversation about that is good and about that is bad, giving morals basis;

– conversation of the child with the adult, giving a consciousness basis;

– conversation, conversation on inhabitancy, abilities to live of the child;

– conversation, dialogue of the child with the neighbours, giving a basis of responsibility for the words, reception and information transfer;

– conversation on something with the art description;

– conversation, dialogue with the analysis;

– exact transfer of sense of a subject, a theme of conversation with the correct use of words.

Various forms of work with children of different age can have important value for awakening of curiosity of children to language, increases of their interest to word creation in the conditions of a kindergarten.

The concept «ethnocultural space» is extremely extensive. It is considered that it is a complex combining a socially-psychological climate of inhabitancy of the individual, social and economic, natural, climatic, ecological, social conditions of his life and national-national traditions of education, culture, that is, set of all factors influencing process of education. Ethnocultural space – educational space where there is an interaction, mutual relation of adults and children.

Socially-pedagogical possibilities of ethnocultural space can have optimum influence on education and rising generation development. Dialogues with people of advanced age, elders – carriers of traditions of the people, social control of a generality over behaviour of people, organic communication with the nature, etc. are the most significant characteristics of the organisation of educational activity in modern conditions of the Yakut rural ethnocultural space.

In uniform ethnocultural space of rural society the special role in development of culture of speech dialogue of children belongs to subjects of educational process. With reference to the Yakut countryside subjects of the educational process, making the greatest impact both on development of culture of dialogue, and on all process of formation of the person of the child are: firstly – a family, relatives, neighbours; secondly, tutors, contemporaries, friends; thirdly, the state and nonstate establishments and the village organisations; fourthly, to number of subjects of the educational process, making direct or indirect impact on the person of the growing up person, administrative and managerial structures at area and village level can be quite carried. Any of the given subjects of educational process separately cannot render that optimum pedagogical influence on the child, as at the co-ordinated educational activity.

Now kindergarten as the state educational institution is urged to form the pupils the self-sufficient persons, capable to communicate with people of different age, a nationality.

The Yakut family as traditionally settled structure of a generality of the people living together, connected by related bonds and conducting the general economy, bears ethnic characteristics of traditional system of family education. In modern conditions of the Yakut countryside development of educational potential of a family on use of traditional methods, technologies of dialogue in development of the standard of speech of children is necessary.

Библиографическая ссылка

Dedykina M.I., Ivanova M.I. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE OF VOCAL INTERCOURSE (CONTACT) OF CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE ON BASIS OF TRADITIONS OF PEOPLE OF SAKHA // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 17-18;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4077 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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