Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

An improvement of the resort profile special education centres educative system via usage of internet resources

Kiseleva N.A. 1
1 Murmansk State Pedagogical University
1. The great didactics / Y.A. Komenskiy. – M.: Ed. «Prosveschenie», 1959.
2. Social services Web 2.0 for tutors’ help. / E.D. Patarkin. – M.: Intuit.ru, 2006. – 64 p. (educative-methodical textbook).
3. Russian education modernization concept up to 2010. An order of Russian education Ministry №393 of 11.02.02.

For a long time such question as «What is the main objective of the secondary school, educate or bring up a child?» has been studied within the pedagogic area and the society. The educative function was always considered to be major, though even J.A. Komenskiy stated: «disregard of the bringing up is death for people, families, countries, and all the world» [1]. Within the concept of the Russian society modernization the main principles that lead us to the necessity of considerable educative system changes were showed, the most important education objectives, that are in formation of civil responsibility and legal self-consciousness, spirituality and initiative culture, independence, tolerance, capabilities of the successful socialization and efficient adaption to the labor market conditions within pupils, are outlined. No doubt, that a developing society needs modern-educated, moral, creative people that will be able to take a responsible decision in a choice situation via its possible consequence prognosis, are able to co-operate and co-creativity, are mobile and responsible for themselves and fate of their country. The time itself formulates a vital problem – the personality formation, the creation of the conditions that are necessary for its successful realization. An opinion that an education system crisis is one of the serious problems of modern school is so wide-spread within pedagogues that it can be disputed. Many scientists consider education to be an area of the people’s activity that because of its goals is always under the crisis terms. A new generation upbringing forms a separate, specially-difficult problem that develops into a national task, while education is oriented on the successful fulfillment of the Single State Exam and the education quality increase, under which a number relationship between those pupil who pass the test with «excellent» and «good» and the total number of scholars. A question of the modern pupil and graduate upbringing remains open. On one side, a teenager must be protected from the aggressive permissiveness propaganda, immorality, and violence coming from Internet resources, Mass Media, trained to suitably live within a changing society, creating «afety islands» in various structures and projecting friendly social environment. On the other hand, a high school pupil has to find his life path, self-define in the world, formulate his views and positions. In these conditions an upbringing school functions that are supposed to create the condition to fulfill the main objective of a tutor – self-actualization of a growing man personality. The upbringing process must be undergone as a result of the cooperation, co-creativity of the like-minded persons (children, parents, pedagogues, social organization authorities) on different levels: class – school – family – city – region. As we speak of the objectives and educative methods refreshment, of reasonable upbringing environment conditions, we orient to a human science ideology that implies a realization of the liberty principle in practice. Scholars should not only obtain the ability of independent choice of educative, creative, practical activity, but also orient for the responsibility of its results. Open the area of the person self-preparation for the real life, its original ME – these are the strategic objective settings of the pedagogic high school pupils socialization and upbringing process maintainability. Why then we more and more often refer to the question of the Internet resources usage within the high school pupils’ upbringing process? We think that the answer is obvious. As the social interrogation results show, almost 80 % of their free time teenagers spend in the Internet. And contrary to primary and secondary school students, high schools pupils pay great attention to the communication in network, choosing various social projects and network services as their ground. Separate children from it does not seem to be possible anymore. Then why don’t pedagogues and parents use the existing, as they think, problem for the good and benefit of the growing generation upbringing? The educative process efficiency via usage of the informative-communicative technologies nowadays is directly conditioned by each practicing tutor ability to define actual educative objectives for a group, choose the most appropriate and optimal resources out of the variety of network forms such as blog, class site, forum, network service thematic group. It is important that a pedagogue should move together with pupils, thus directing their development, correcting the communication, raising their network communication cultural level. Predict the personality development results, implement an activity reflection in network; project educative situations; develop the content of the education process, mutual projects, that will unite students, parents, and pedagogues, orienting for the prior educative values, interests, and needs of the education process participants; choose technologies in accordance with the set goals and objectives; create conditions for the educative programs realization – these are the main components of new educative system. As one vector of the progressive upbringing sector development within the education system nowadays a universal and national, freedom and responsibility, individual and collective, natural and social values harmonization vector. Democratic essence of the new upbringing is in the providing a pupil with freedom to choose his individual development trajectory within the education process, creation of the favourable conditions for his self-realization I various types of socialy- and personally-significant activity, his preparation for taking independent decision in a moral choice situation for the universal values. Training scholars for cooperative network activity can prove successful only if a teenager has option to choose from or is provided with an example of such cooperation successful realization. And here a pedagogue must define himself with what it is reasonable to start the work organization using modern technologies. We must consider the fact that nowadays many grown-ups see Internet as an inevitable evil that has to be got along with and, if it can’t be excluded out of our life, we should minimize the threats that our children might face. An important role within the Internet resources education process organization is played by the problem of the children’ network safety providing. Under it grown-ups should clearly understand that all limits and filtration systems that are installed within educative institutions become absolutely helpless when children leave school. In this case, we think, a safe network behavior and network etiquette training will prove to be more useful as well as introduction of categories and themes that regard to work in the Internet into the subject courses. A great attention must be paid to these problems educative work and enlightening activity should be undergone with the pupils’ parents. How can we form our work so that high school pupils get involved into creative, research, and social activity? Moreover, we do not only expect network to create a purpose for such activity, but a network area and network means that could support such activity. This is absolutely not a method to activate and attract students, when via information technologies a tutor can draw pupils’ attention to the solution of a problem that later is studied and solved outside the network [2]. Nowadays network can supply us with all means of creative and research work. We only have to find and show these means to pedagogues, parents, and their children. Organizing educative work with high school pupils within a network service system, a tutor must consider the peculiarities of such interaction. Cooperative network activity must always develop, refresh, progress. Stops and delays must not be tolerated, otherwise that interest to this activity will drop and be extremely difficult to renew. However, it doesn’t mean that all network activity must be realized and organized by a pedagogue himself. Here it is important to divide influence areas, provide pupils with more freedom to search and create, supporting and directing them. A pedagogue should never prevail and dominate. In network communication the ideas of mutual education, cooperation, and partnership within the tutor-scholar relations are realized in the best way. It is reasonable to involve parents to such high school pupils “network education” via creating and organizing cooperative projects, carrying out virtual consultations and arrangements. Such kind of activity, organized in the appropriate way will become new stage of the high school students’ education development. The main thing is that nowadays it is almost impossible to avoid internet resources usage for the good of the growing generation. It would mean avoiding the children themselves, losing them, and that is absolutely intolerable. On the other hand, it is simply stupid to use traditional, fixed education methods without considering informative-communicative technologies. That is why our modern society is called informative and its main resources are information and knowledge. Informative technologies are exactly what is linked to a lot of processes within education, training and upbringing. And if more attention is paid to the usage of new information technologies within the education process, then it is obvious that upbringing innovative processes should be linked to it as well.

Innovations in educative system are formed by a number of components that are not only related to alterations in school material and technical equipment and organized administrative culture, but also to the tutor’s readiness to work with new technologies. Innovation is the realization of new product, new technological process. A formation of high school pupils upbringing as an innovative process, using new forms and methods, informative-communication technologies, Internet network resources, when tutor follows a pupil, goes together with pupil, educating and upbringing him, preparing him for life in modern informative society – that is the future of the school upbringing. And when education process becomes developed and structured, the following advantages of the informative-communication technologies usage might be observed.

In order to organize educative-upbringing pupils’ work it is urgent to orient for their free choice of communication form and Internet services, communication time, group partners. With such approach students will feel more liberate and emancipated, open for interaction and pedagogical influence. In such environment high school pupils feel comfortable, openly participate in discussions, express their views, thus forming the picture of their own ME. A transition from authority education methods to cooperative pedagogy is undergone easier with introduction of Internet technologies communication and Internet materials into the education process. The ideas of partnership in education are realized, the concepts of «new tutor» and «new pupil» are formed, and relations between them carry business character, thus providing for their mutual development. The usage of network services provides for effective formation of a number of communication skills (the ability to listen and hear, mastering non-material motivation methods in communication process, an ability to express one’s thoughts clearly, an ability to establish constructive business and emotional contact and many others).

The formation of professional activity motivation with usage of the Internet provides high education, elf-definition, and self-consciousness results. We should outline that professional self-definition work with usage of Internet resources can be organized and carried out within a group of high school students on a relatively high level. Here we include not only the ability to form a knowledge on practically any profession (there is a lot of such information in network), but also the skill to take n interview while applying for a job, construct a resume and many others.

Within the usage of discussive forms that are really easier to carry out with help of Internet resources, high results not only in upbringing, but also in education will be achieved, in other words, the education process efficiency on the hole will increase dramatically. Here we see the realization of the “new modern school concept” that has usage of informative-communicative technologies and resources of the Internet network in its basis.

Библиографическая ссылка

Kiseleva N.A. An improvement of the resort profile special education centres educative system via usage of internet resources // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 28-30;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4082 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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