Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

Comparative analysis of cross-cultural creativity research factorization results

Erdyneeva K.G. 1 Popova N.N. 1
1 The Chita state university
1. Drujinin V.N. The psychology of common abilities. – SPb.: Piter, 2007. – Р. 322-345.
2. Kulyutkin Y.N. Changing world and the problems of a personal creative potential development. Value-sense analysis. – SPb.: Ed. SPbSUPM, 2001. – 84 p.
3. Short test of a creative thinking (figure form). – M.: Endowments development institution, 1995. – Р. 13-46.
4. Psychological practical session / ed. By A.S. Karmin. – SPb: Ed. Lan’, 2002. – Р. 32, 9.
5. Tunick E.E. Creative thinking diagnosis: Creative tests. – M.: Clean ponds, 2006.
6. Shpet G.G. Introduction into ethnic psychology. – SPb., 1996. – 155 p.

Ethnic peculiarities of creativity are described in this article that depend on their belonging to a certain ethnic group and are displayed in some significant differences in their creativity indexes (singularity, uniqueness, readiness) and personal peculiarities of a subject (reserveness/communicability, sensitivity, high behavior norms, shyness/courage, emotional stability/unstability etc.) as a member of an ethnic group.

Russia’s integration into the world society is accompanied by globalization and rationalization processes, which causes increased interest to cross-cultural research. Because of that grows the number of creativity researches which contain the analysis of multi-level determination that includes cultural, social-economic and other factors. Since ethnic peculiarities reveal themselves in actions, activity products, person’s behavior (V.S. Ageyev, A.K. Tolmacheva, G.B. Starovoytova, S.K. Smirnov and others) a necessity of creative activity displays study, that makes it possible to create a multitude of various original ideas within non-regulated activity conditions (M.A. Kholodnaya).

According to the position of S.U. Arutyunjan, M.S. Djunsov, N.D. Jandildin, H. Deiker, N. Freid and others, those who belong to a certain ethnic group posses the abilities typical for all members of the group and non-typical for others.

G.G. Shpet [6] thinks that in various expression forms such as words, drawing, costume, institutions, acts, documents – in other words everything that can be called «the culture products» we should differ object content as an actual value. Ethno-psychological aspect creativity study logically define the necessity of individual personal characteristics of different ethnic groups reveal in a comparative perspective. Therefore, a selection of two groups has been formed: 125 members of Buryat nation, 126 members of Russian nation, of which 125 males and 126 females, in age from 16 to 22, 251 persons in total.

The following methods have been used: subtest by E. Torrens «Picture completion» [3], separate associations test by S. Mednick in version by A.N. Voronin and T.V. Galkina [1], test of non-verbal creativity reveal by Y.N. Kulyutkin [2], two question list of personal creativity component by D.L. Johnson and G. Rensulli, 16 factors personal question list by R.B. Ketell (shortened version)4.

Factor analysis of the obtained data showed us that factor 1 (F1), that defined 10,2 % of the total dispersion included variables that had maximum factor weight: nationality (0,698) and age (0,503). Therefore, this factor can be called «ethnic peculiarities» as a display of respondent’s nationality.

Factor 2 (F2) that defined 8,52 % of the total dispersion is represented by variables that are the creativity indexes of the tested, so it has been called «creativity». We should outline, that variables «verbal» and «non-verbal originality» have almost the same weight (0,720 and 0,719 correspondingly) and it testifies the optionality of their division into types, so they can be united into one index: originality. Factor loading of the «originality» and «uniqueness» variables (0,720 and 0,682) demonstrate a strong relation of these indexes in creativity structure, in other words, the higher the originality, the higher the uniqueness.

In a similar way fluency (0,598) defines the flexibility (0,547) of the respondent’s creativity.

Finally, factor 3 (F3) that defined 6,83 % of the total dispersion included variables that were the characteristics of the respondent’s personal qualities, so we called it «personal peculiarities».

In this factor a the following variables have a significant weight: «emotional stability-instability» (0,721) and «subordination-domination» (0,657). Factor loading of these indexes conditions high relation degree between emotional stability and domination, as well as the emotional instability and subordination.

Variables «reserve – communicability» and «sensitivity – high behavior norms» reflect average relation degree of such personal qualities as reserve and high behavior norms, communicability and sensitivity (0,628 and 0,608 correspondingly). «Low self-control and high self-control» positively correlate with «shyness and courage» as well as with «self-estimation adequacy» of the tested which is testified by their weights: 0,577, 0551, and 0,516 correspondingly.

Thus, belonging factor of a tested person to one of another nationality significantly influence creativity indexes (originality, uniqueness, fluency, flexibility) as a personal quality that are characterized by emotionality, commutability, conformity and self-control.

Insignificant gender differences were observed within our research while defining the creativity level. According to associative test, there are no proved differences between men and women in verbal creativity, but a trend of men domination in the associative verbal thinking can be seen

Empiric research of ethnic creativity peculiarities proved our hypothesis that ethnic differences in creativity development level are dependent on belonging to one or another nationality and are shown in significant differences in creativity indexes and personal peculiarities of a subject as an ethnic group member.

Thus, ethnic group is one of the factors that define the creativity structure and development in a poli-cultural region (Trans-Baiakal region).

Библиографическая ссылка

Erdyneeva K.G., Popova N.N. Comparative analysis of cross-cultural creativity research factorization results // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 41-41;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4089 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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