The accession of Russia to the Bolognese process had an essence influence on aim and content of Russian educational reforms. Their important direction was the reaching of All-European guidelines of development of educational systems, which are responsible for the aims of internalization and creation of general European space of higher education. One of the base directions of action of countries-participants of Bolognese process is the use of credit system EXTS, which should become the general basis for national credit systems, including Russian credit system.
The system of credits as an innovative form of measuring of laboriousness educational work produces new for the Russian higher education requirements to the organization of all aspects of educational process at HEI: standards of educational disciplines, educational plans and programs, system of knowledge estimation, level of mastering by students the educational programs, load of pedagogue, economy of educational process etc.
Target installations to the preparation of future specialists in the individually-oriented educational process at the base of accepted in it competence approach to the quality of preparation of students as to the result of education. One of the key elements of the system of credits is stimulating grade-rating system of knowledge assessment of students. Let’s examine it from the view point of competence approach in education.
The use in educational process of grade-rating system of estimation is not only new approach to the assessment of students’ knowledge and skills. New system of stimulating estimation should form the students’ active ability to independent studying-cognitive activity, the components of which are: studying-cognitive interest, definition of objectives, educational actions, actions of control and self-control, self-estimation of one’s own activity, reflection of one’s own activity. And also to formulate the value orientations, the most important elements of the personality’s structure, which were consolidated by life experience of individual and which limit the essential, meaningful for present human from the insignificant, inessential, formed totality of which guarantees the stability of personality, succession of defined type of behavior and activity, is the most important factor that regulates motivation of personality.
The process of use of stimulating grade-rating system of estimation of studying-cognitive activity should be combined with the effective pedagogical management at the level of subject-subject interaction of students and teachers at the process of studying educational disciplines, which is based on special methods of forming the key competences, from which there is formed professional competence of future specialists. Let’s examine some aspects of such “competence” methods, that means methods, which allow to form the key competences at the process of studying the educational disciplines at HEI.
The forming of independent studying-cognitive activity of students at the process of studying of educational disciplines is directed to the reaching of following, equally meaningful for the development of personality, aims [1]:
− to form the students’ volume of knowledge, which is necessary for further education; to form the students’ ability to use received knowledge in solving of object and over substantial tasks;
− to form the readiness to motivated educational activity, including its independent estimation;
− to form the ability to correlate the offered norm of activity with an actual level of abilities and the system of personality values;
− to form the value approach of students to the received knowledge, abilities, personality qualities and experience of their own activity;
− to form the students’ ability to continue the education and value approach t the education during the whole life.
For the realization of these aims there should be created special didactical conditions, which are defined with active approach to the direction of studying-cognitive activity of students and the complex of aims of developing education, its requirements to the selection, methods and organizational forms of education in activity [3]:
− specification of the aims of studying-cognitive activity of students at the process of studying of educational disciplines, the orientation to the development of creative thinking and personality qualities of students;
− specification and constant development of programs and contents of educational disciplines at the base of active standards and described above aims;
− including to the activity, forming of inside motives of educational activity, forming of independent studying-cognitive and scientifically-researching activity of students and its self-appraisal;
− the use of special complex of methods and forms of education, special complex of object tasks, which promote the forming of value approach of students to knowledge, abilities, skills, experience of their own studying-cognitive activity.
The result of stimulating grade-rating system of knowledge assessment while these conditions should be formed motivated active position of students in the direction of their own studying-cognitive activity at extracurricular time.
Above formulated didactical conditions allowed us to definitely define following base principles of effective use of stimulating grade-rating system of knowledge assessment of students at the process of studying the educational disciplines [2].
The principle of correlation to the aims of professional preparation of HEI’s students supposes, that the aims of effective use of stimulating grade-rating system of knowledge assessment at the process of studying the educational disciplines should correlate the aims of professional preparation of the HEI’s students, which were accepted at the active standards of higher professional education, and at the programs, which were developed at their base.
The principle of openness. The presence of clearly proven standard instructions and their strict observance. Students should have the free access (at the library, reading hall or at the university site) to the standards, program by the subject, technological map. By every modulus at the technological map should be argued the criteria of interpretation of minimal and maximal quantity of marks. Objective mutually control, which guarantee the predictability of students’ marks.
The principle of continuity and comfort means the organization of educational process and audience and at extracurricular time, while which the result of activity at the previous stage guarantees the including into the activity at the following stage. Continuity, operative, objective, full, and constant estimation with the calculation of individual peculiarities of students; fair approach to the students.
The principle of activization of self-control and self-appraisal of studying-cognitive activity of students. Forming at the process of studying the educational disciplines of students’ ability, readiness and solid skill to control and estimate their own activity in the audience and independent extracurricular work.
The principle of creativity supposes the maximal orientation to the creative origin in audience and extracurricular educational activity of students, acquisition of their own experience of scientifically-research activity.
The principle of guaranteeing of value-oriented activity. Teaching of the ability to correlate the supposed algorithm of activity with the actual level of abilities and system of values; constant immersion of student into a situation of choice, forming of ability to the search of possible variants, their estimation and choice of optimal variant of solving; forming of positive needs, motives and value direction of personality.
The experience of use of “competence” method at the process of studying mathematical disciplines in HEI, some aspects of which are described above, allow to state that continuous estimation of studying-cognitive activity of students at the process of studying of mathematical disciplines at the base of stimulating garde-rating system promotes the forming of students’ motivated active position at the direction of their own studying-cognitive activity at the educational lessons and at extracurricular time.
Библиографическая ссылка
Varlamova T.P. COMPETENCE APPROACH TO THE APPRAISEMENT OF KNOWLEDGES OF STUDENTS // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2011. – № 1. – С. 34-35;URL: (дата обращения: 12.02.2025).