Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Kolyvanova L.A. 1
1 State educational institution of secondary professional education «Kinel-Cherkassy medical College»
1. Gozhenko K.N. Psychological support of personal development of students with disabilities in medical college: cand. diss. – Stavropol, 2003.
2. Semenov V.D. Keep it real. – М.: Publishing house «Knowledge», 1989. – 80 р.
3. Suvorov A.V. Lonely soul work as the basic form of self-development of the person.

The main aim to form a safe ability to live for the students with a disability of view under the conditions of training in medical college was the help in development and realization of personal possibilities of an individual as subject of safe ability to live. According to K.N. Gozhenko, a medical work training of the invalid is a stage of personal and professional development of students with dysopia, finding of feeling of identity and integrity, professional self-determination, development of values, volition, independence and responsibility [1].

According to A.V. Suvorov, «any work of soul and especially its lonely work is an essential condition of development of such ability, as a reflexion. Work of soul for the blind and hyposeeing supposes a transformation of a reality into actuality. We learn to react responsible to actuality and through it to reality, we study to reflect and to communicate in general while working over transformation of a reality into a validity, creating and using a validity, living in it which is created not by us, but other people and independent of us [3].

The important role in communication of students with disabilities is made by the educational process directed on interaction with the others without any «barrier». V.D. Semenov notices that educational cooperation or pedagogical communication is a harmony of spiritual and organizing in interaction and relations of people» [2], where students with dysopsia learn to answer first of all for themselves, their actions and a safe life.

The actuality of life safety of ability of people with disabilities is caused by following circumstances:

– due to new security threats in various spheres of living, the level of knowledge of the people about them, especially concerning a personal security of invalids, are considerably in arrears of modern requirements;

– level of their general culture in sphere of safety of living is low cause to the absence of the developed system of continuous education in this area;

– the programs of education of people with disabilities are absent in many professionally-educational authorities, the qualified teachers of disciplines of «Safety of living» are absent and that seriously affects quality of education of students-invalids;

– while of preparation of the person of safe behaviour the age and psychophysiological features influencing a teaching material, acquisition of special knowledge, skills of safe living are not always considered.

The main aim of our research was working out and realization of creation of culture of safe living in professional education of students with disabilities, revealing and check of pedagogical conditions of its effective functioning in medical college where the object of research was pedagogical process of educational authority.

Our long-term research included the analysis of the general educational process in college and teaching of a discipline «Safety of living» where theoretical parts alternated with the practice oriented activity in determined succession. This support a deepening of knowledge in sphere of professional work of invalids with sight disability through self-determination, self-knowledge, self-improvement, motivation strengthening to safe living.

Introduction of the developed theoretical statements and conditions of realization of model of formation of safe living into educational process of trained invalids was hold in state budget educational authority of secondary professional education «Kinel-Cherkassk medical college», which carry out vocational training of students with dysopia, profession 060502 «Medical massage». Students with dysopia and teachers participated in this experiment.

The creation by teachers of conditions where the students with dysopia could had possibility to reveal and realise the interest to knowledge as its habitual and realised requirement necessary for self-actualisation, self-development and self-realisation was a base of practice oriented activity.

The program of preparation of medical workers provides a big volume of activities of students-invalids in fitness-facilities, therapeutic exercises, where was made a process of strengthening of their physical health, restoration of the lost physical capacities promoting development of professional skills and rehabilitation in society.

The practice oriented technologies of training of students with dysopia combined variants of individual and group work, solved education and informative, communicatively developing, socially oriented activity. They made an interrelation of a discipline «Safety living» with the main general profession disciplines: «Anatomy and human physiology with bases of topographical anatomy», «Hygiene and ecology of the person», «Psychology», «Bases of a nursing care and infectious safety», «Neurology bases»; «Bases of surgery with traumatology»; «Therapy bases». The practice oriented technologies of training of students with disabilities included:

– a practical training of the basic subjects where practical approvement of the received knowledge, skills training not demanding the obligatory visual control (imposing of bandages, time stop of bleedings, transport immobilizations at fractures, elements of care of children of younger age);

– technological practical training made on a base of central region hospital of Kinel-Cherkassy where students could receive the knowledge palpatory and formed skills on one of general professional disciplines;

– Role and business games on which there was a discussion of problems of physical inability and ways of their realisation, playing concrete situations;

– Work in fitness-facilities, centers of therapeutic exercises;

– Excursions in Samara State Medical University and Samara medical institute «Reavis», including traditional lessons-excursions in an anatomic museum, joint scientifically-practical conferences, seminars, practical training;

– Excursions in regional and regional libraries for blind for the purpose of reception of the necessary information for the further professional self-education and self-development.

The important part in realization of the practice-oriented activity of students with disability was a participation in socially significant actions («Day of health», «Fresh wind», «No to drugs», «I choose health», «Day of the medical worker», «Day of invalids», «Day of protection of children», «Day of youth», volunteerism activity of students of ΙΙ and ΙΙΙ courses on bases of GBOU school № 1, 2 «ОZ» Kinel-Cherkassy, aimed at propagation of a healthy way of life, drugs prevention, STIs (infections, sexually transmitted) and AIDS among teenagers; participation in annual regional and Russian competitions of professional skill by certain types of massage (Ι a course – classical massage, ΙΙ a course – segmentary, ΙΙΙ a course – nonconventional, children’s and Spa-MASSAGE); participation in working out of social projects and programs on rehabilitation, adaptation and integration of invalids into a society), promoting to their interaction with environment without any «Barrier».

As a result of research and proceeding from the practice-oriented technologies in educational process of students with dysopia the basic components of their vocational training have been defined:

– Intergrative, developing professional consciousness and the positive self-concept formed in integrative unit of knowledge, practical activities habit;

– Adaptable, allowing to take the first step to construct of the professional self-concept, to adapt the acquired knowledge and abilities for a reality;

– Educating, giving possibilities to check up theoretical knowledge in practice, and also to the further self-education and competence increase;

– Developing, realizing abilities trained, causing success of their professional work;

– Diagnostic, motivating to an estimation of the received theoretical knowledge and practical abilities, diagnostics of their sufficiency, depth and durability thanks to which there is a professional self-education of invalids.

Thereupon, application of the practice-oriented technologies within the limits of educational process of preparation of the future experts gives the chance to students with dysopia to participate in the labour activity, being a necessary condition of formation of safety living of physically challenged people.

To define a development of dynamics of interests of students to «Safety of living» a questioning of students-invalids has bee made, under its results the factor of their interest Ki taking on values from-1 (total absence of the interest) to +1 (the highest interest):


where A – number of trained, considered a studying of safety life as interesting; B – number of trained, indifferently to studying of this discipline; C – number of trained, considered the studying as uninteresting; N – total number of trained students.

We have the following results of the comparative analysis of studying with dysopia to a discipline «Safety living»: prior to our experiment were low (+0,14) and averages (+0,31; 0,39) and after the experiment they were average (+0,37) and high (0,60; 0,77). At the end of an academic year we proposed to the students who have considered a studying of discipline «Safety living» as interesting, to fill in the questionnaire «What heightened your interest to this subject?».

Answers of respondents were as follows: 70,1 % of students have paid attention to necessity of knowledge about safety living for the purpose of sociolabor rehabilitation in a society and safe orientation in space; 24,2 % of students have noted necessity of use of a practical training on discipline as a main factor of increase of their interest; 5,7 % of trained marked an importance of carrying out of trainings and discussions of the subject.

The received results reflected tendencies of socialisation of the person of students with dysopia, development of their of safe behaviour in environment and proved the efficiency of a technique of formation of safety living among invalids. As have shown results of the comparative analysis of levels of forming to safety living of students with disabilities, at an ascertaining investigation phase they were low 21,7 % while in forming experiment they have made 78,3 %.

Thus, the effective realization in vocational training of students with disabilities of the practice-foriented activity within the limits of a course «Safety living», its integration with others general professional disciplines was a necessary condition of development of safety living among the trained.

The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Basic and applied researches. Education, economy and right» Italy (Rome-Florence), September, 7-14, 2013, came to the editorial office оn 14.08.2013.

Библиографическая ссылка

Kolyvanova L.A. PRACTICE-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES AS A BASIS FOR CREATION OF SAFE LIVING OF STUDENTS WITH DEPRIVATION OF VIEW AT THE MEDICAL COLLEGE // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2013. – № 12. – С. 11-13;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4276 (дата обращения: 27.09.2024).

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