Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Shilova V.S. 1
1 NIU «Belgorod stats university»
1. Vernardskiy V.I. Biosphere and noоsphere. – M.: Airis-press, 2012.
2. Zverev I.D., Suravegina I.T. Ecological education of school students, Monograph. – M., 183.
3. Mamedov N.M. Culture, ecology, education. – M., 1996.
4. Matrusov I.S. Scholl and preservation of nature. – M., 1996.
5. The world of philosophy in 2 volumes. – M., 1991.
6. Shilova V.S. Social-ecological education of school students: theory and practice. Monograph. – M.: Belgorod, 1999.
7. Shilova V.S. Social-ecological education of school students: theory and practice. Monograph. – M.: Belgorod, 2006.
8. ShilovaV.S. Nature and ancient civilizations (form 5–6). Training-methodical textbook. – Belgorod, 2008.
9. Shilova V.S. Pedagogic basics of social-ecological education of school children. Textbook for students, Edition 3. – Belgorod, 2011.

Scientific heritage of Vladimit Ivanovich Vernardskiy, an outstanding scientist and thinker, creator of Study of biosphere and noosphere, new branches of science, enlightener in the area of natural science, and social activist, has found its reflection in works of scientists of the XX century and has not lost its urgency so far [5].

At the same time, there is a number of problems that is linked to ideas of V.I. Vernardskiy of biosphere as an area of interaction between planetary and spatial forces and living substance, while the latter transforms the environment actively. One of these problems that have been pointed out by V.I. Vernardskiy in his time, is global and powerful impact upon biosphere done by humanity that neglects its laws and despoils natural riches in a predatory fashion [1].

Ways of solving this problem are different as well as levels of its study: global (general-human), regional, local, state, social and personal, theoretical and practical. Regardless of the level, mandatory education of people in terms of biosphere and interaction with nature becomes a necessary condition in this case.

This goal can be achieved by a separate branch of social education – general training and ecological education in particular. By the date or domestic pedagogy has achieved some remarkable results in this area: basics of nature-preserving activity are set among school students (I.S. Matrusov), the essence, structure, principles, and conditions of ecological education of school students have been established within school subjects (I.D. Zverev, A.N. Zakhlebniy, N.M. Mamedov, I.T. Suravegina, etc.), separate direction of training school students in the field of environment are being developed [2, 3, 4].

The first line. The nature of Earth and its formation in time and space «The cradle of humanity» [6].

Ideas of V.I. Vernardskiy.

– Earth is a celestial object, a planet of Solar system; a part of spatial environment. A number of layers are outlined in earth crust, and they are distributed in a concentric way...

– Biosphere is the only inhabited area of earth crust.

The second line. Outlining human from nature and his formation in time and space.Formation of historical space.

Ideas of V.I. Vernardskiy.

– Human is not a random, independent from the environment (biosphere and noosphere), and free natural phenomenon. He represents an inevitable expression of a big natural process that has been continuing legislatively during at least two billion years.

The third line. Geological and historical time.

Ideas of V.I. Vernardskiy.

– There have been no signs of abiogenesis during all geological periods. Evolution of kinds, a sharp alteration of natural bodies that transits to the evolution process of the whole biosphere has been observed during the flow of geological time.

– Historical process is a natural phenomenon of huge geological significance.

The forth line. Establishment of cultural environment. Material and spiritual values that reflect processes of cognition and vital activity of humanity in time and space.

Ideas of V.I. Vernardskiy.

– Evolution of biosphere has led to creation of a new geological force – scientific ideas of social humanity.

– Under the impact of scientific idea and human labour biosphere transits to a new evolutionary condition – noosphere.

The fifth line. Animpact of society upon natural environment. Preservation and reproduction of natural human inhabitant.

Ideas of V.I. Vernardskiy.

– Humanity is single…, its life has become undividable, single regardless of all its diversity. An event that takes place in a certain place of the planet has its significant of slight consequences all over the Earth surface.

– A human has realized for the first time that he is a citizen of his planet and should think and act not only in terms of a separate person or a family, etc., but also in a planetary aspect of life – biosphere. A human alter is inevitably, legislatively, continuously.

– The history of humanity cannot be separated and studied independently from its «environment» as well as life of any human person.

Realization of the outlined content lines and, therefore, these and other ideas of V.I. Vernardskiyis carried out within the developed by us training courses for school students and students. For example, school student course of selection «Nature and ancient civilizations» (5–6 classes), Training-methodic discipline course for students «Social-ecological education of school students». Mastering contents of these courses will provide for establishing optimal relations with nature in present and future [8, 9].

The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Person and noosphere. V.I. Vernadsky’s scientific heritage. Global problems of a modern civilization», United Arab Emirates (Dubai), October, 16-23, 2013, came to the editorial office оn 19.09.2013.

Библиографическая ссылка

Shilova V.S. THE IDEAS В. I. VERNADSKIY IN CONTENTS OF SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION OF STUDENT YOUTH // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2013. – № 12. – С. 20-21;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4279 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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