Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

Ethics of business communication in modern management

Alibaeva G.M. 1 Steblyakova A.A. 1 Uvakasova G.T. 1
1 ATU KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev
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3. Sheinov V.P. How to manage others? How to manage yourself (art manager) 4-th volume-special literature S.P.B, special literature 2005.
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5. Lapusta M.G. Enterprising, publish copyright –infra. – M., 2008.

Society is a historically evolving set of relationships, between people down in the course of their life activities, and the people are in constant motion, and the society in the developing. Today , one of the important mechanism of social and economic certificates is social mobility and social responsibility.

First the theory of social mobility was developed and entered in the scientific revolution by famous Russian sociologist who spent most creative life in USA (Sovokin P.A.)

Social mobility primarily determined by the cultural environment with the developing of society and output, infrastructures qualitative change in the individual social group, collective, family and the state!

So that would be civilized society, especially in the Graduate school of Kazakhstan are extremely important goals and targets for further form education primarily related in the democratization learning and teaching process deepening and improvement of modern position specialized in teaching courses as well as support for the creative initiative of the student in the walls of «Almamater» that correspond to modern civilization as youth policy and the accelerated industrial and innovative development , on the basis of information managment-2020 and other promising programs.

In terms of acceleration and “WTP” taking in the account a number of international standards and low and regulations, for instant TS and in order to successfully promote government programs. The sides need to borrow in the system education in Kazakhstan and Russian and also the experienced arrangements of engineers and other specialist. For example in Germany showing the fastest professional mobility qualitatively affected by today’s economy the country and the European Union.

Then if we talk about a «green» economy in Astana, the monument «Baiterek» laid the first stone multifunctional complex premium «Talan towers», this building is not only beautify the capital, but will be the first sign of construction on the latest «green» technologies , given in respect that the climat of northern Kazakhstan. The construction of this complex will be completed in 2016, before the opening Expo – 2017.

take into account the huge potential of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries and the border states paramount to determine the locators in the economy mechanism and social change is primarily the development of industry and economic relations which requires that a regional economy of Kazakhstan had a «scheme of distribution productive forces», then the creation of new industry and together with other states Hubs and innovative nature of joint ventures for example in aviation ground transportation in agriculture, in building etc.

It is known that in «Expo-2017» will be held in Kazakhstan, so today should promptly recommend to the close cooperation with Russian companies such as JSC «Russian navigation technologies»,which in Russian itself. The dealer network is represented more than 40 regions of the territory and the enterprise for more than 10 years in the market, generates the navigation market, more than 1000 customers in different industries, 85.000 vehicles equipped with auto tracker, products certified.

The company itself has experience building large hubs for managing land transport and have more than 7.000 units of transport and production of such as organization techniques. Pay great attention to human resources and demand, their training and economy incentives work with its another contemporary remuneration.

Other company SUE «Ekotechprom» in Moscow , Russia. Production equipment and software replying monitoring – GLONA SS in business administration in such an important area as utilities will access the impact that performers on the following:

– reduction in operating costs of transport 20–25 %;

– clean city, district, zone;

– no, overflow containers for garbage in the yards;

– lack of ice on the side walk and the roadway in the winter off-road areas and pits;

– Reduce the risks f accidents on the roads;

– Control of speed of technological special equipment (fuel trucks, etc).

Productive talk in terms of cooperation were between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

So, the leaders of these states:

Nursultan Nazarbaev and Islam Karimov signed a new strategic partnership agreement. This event allows you to take charge in situation in the region.And this can consider a major breakthrough. Uzbekistan in 2012 has adopted a new concept of foreign policy in which as the priorities indentified in the direction of motion of central Asia and building relationships with partners on the terms of a bilateral agreements.

Peace, will contribute to deeper introgression process . And in the current context of economic development enterprise company itself can enter the world market.

They can apply poly variant forms of management when the company is formed is the form of the economic mechanics which to a large extent reveals the creative hence scientific intellectual potential personalities team and this collective intelligence provides a higher level of productivity.

one of the principles of the law of «time-saving» appears in the right to choose the means of production and undoubtedly contributes to saving sources. Forms and methods of changing the nature of, in the words of the classics of the «combination» of people which means that the organization that is the heart of management.

Really separate itself manages a violinist and orchestra needs a conductor that management do. Concluded that management is associated with social processes, it comes down to your main content to the ordering of social relations.

Unfortunately one of the main causes of the structural crisis, in the country. The stumbling block is the work while it is rewarded enough in today, conditions and payment of social package in not planned and is not forecasted in the process of drawing up management projects. But these factors are close to the unitary accelerating scientific and technical progress, and categories such as modernization, industrialization innovation should significantly improve the quality of life in Kazakhstan people from other countries.

Why high requirements for professionals to managers to senior executives.

– To be able to determine the important priority and sequence tasks, allocate of this important.

– Not to entrust the most significant slave crucial questions whose solutions depends the future of the company to solve these problems by yourself.

– Not to engage in small and minor things that should convey trust and performers.

– Act only with the framework of a possible real achievable avoid too risky adventurous act.

– Be demanding in relation to subordinates and to himself , avoid responsibility and lack of discipline.

– To act quickly and decisively in cases where hesitates is lost.

– To be able to play back down in situations when it is inevitable.

Glossary of leader «leader» (from the English master) – a man who is behind him, motivated and able to operate at the same time is a definite place in the organization. And for the success of the economic development of the society it is essential to expand the circle of people who can be leaders enterprise nears.

The ability to manage staff a complex science and high art. Formal and informal relationships influence the success of business. There is a prevailing condition postulate according to which in the field of modern management based on the principle of human relations.

The relationship between people and the head of team requires the ability to clarity personal values.

There is a wide choice so Required by managers as a goal of the work and their own goals.

Considerable importance for the formation of the image of the modern businessman and future professionals students basic human qualified teacher for example and their behavior as a mentor create an calm image, confident manager creates and maintains an atmosphere of stability trust and mutual support in collective.

The way of originality and unconventional thinking appeal to theorist and practitioner’s great to educate the younger generation.

In the past studying in graduate school at Moscow state University Faculty of Economics is one of the authors made a presentation to the problematic group of behaviorism while political economists as that went from the behavioral aspect of the theory report has been approved by experts, professors of Moscow State University. And today, the psychological aspects are highly relevant in the knowledge of new management techniques. Then it is quite obvious Friedrich Engels can be said had been a great friend of Karl Marx.

At the time of his employment when he was studying Russian economic literature in particular on the community.

Friedrich E. was the owner of a factory owner practitioner but he only materially but also morally supporting the family K.G Marx’s. He graciously with him and really worked on the light output of nearly all the volumes of «Capital speaking» of Marx, he stressed: all the original thoughts, all our doctrine belongs to Marx. I have nothing much opened. When Lavrov Asked «When did you see volume of Capital?». And it should be noted that the third volume it as a synthesis of the first two and is called: The process of production and circulation of capital, Engels gave a huge volume of manuscripts and invited to read at least one line.

Lavrov said: «I could not make out the handwriting was not legible». «You do not understand now said Engels, as I have difficulty in establishing a single text».

Thus learn to hear the voice of nature and history then push the boundaries of his own life into the depth and breath of the past and future and feel the connection times. And the business world and the attractiveness of the company to realize methodological sciences. Management and marketing is a progressive form of business. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in paragraph 4 of article 26 reads «Everyone has the right to the freedom of entrepreneurs hip free use of his property for any lawful business».

Modern approach to decision-making and as President IAIN National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Doctor of technical Sciences eminent scientist in the field of theory of management system of engineering Cybernetic S A.A Ashimov: Adopted in the implementation of the state program «Information Kazakhstan 2020» that allows you to further expand the information space, the improvement of information and communication technologies as a condition for the transition and organic entry into the world information, space impact on ethics and public opinion and the authority has built on the power of the personal qualities of a aman of his professionalism and leadership skills. An example of the power or influence of a charismatic performer determined with Accessories respect opposed to the impersonal official influence tradition, charismatic influence tradition charismatic influence entirely personal.

The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Modern sociology and education», London, October, 19-26, 2013, came to the editorial office оn 16.09.2013.

Библиографическая ссылка

Alibaeva G.M., Steblyakova A.A., Uvakasova G.T. Ethics of business communication in modern management // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2013. – № 12. – С. 33-35;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4283 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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