Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Tukbekova B.T. 1 Dyusenova S.B. 1 Kizatova S.T. 1 Bogdanovic G.V. 1
1 Karaganda State Medical University
Invention of a national Kazakhstan model of education directed to solving the problem of providing future pediatrician graduated from medical university with work on modern economic conditions; and solving the problem of efficiency of the doctor’s knowledge, and the problem of adapting their professional qualification on fast changing economic and geopolitical conditions to new requirements and conditions of time. The class on the Team-Based Learning method (TBL) and Case-Based Learning (CBL) has been held by us. These innovative methods have helped to improve skills to analyze problems and look for alternatives, and improve skills of solving certain problems. This helps to form communication, thoughts, self-esteem, to control own activity, ability for team working, being an expert.
innovative methods of educating
Team-Based Learning – TBL
Case-Based Learning – CBL
1. Teleuov M., Dosmagambetova R., Molotov-Luchansky V. Innovative technologies at education process and marking of learning achievements of Karaganda state medical university students: monograph. – Karaganda, 2010. – 118 p.

Invention of a national Kazakhstan model of education directed to solving the problem of providing future pediatrician graduated from medical university with work on modern economic conditions; and solving the problem of efficiency of the doctor’s knowledge, and the problem of adapting their professional qualification on fast changing economic and geopolitical conditions to new requirements and conditions of time.

Forming of future expert happens in the medical university. This is hard process founded on studying methods on which efficiency is based the qualification of future expert.

Interactive model is oriented to understanding of given information. This process is based on interaction of teacher and student.

Process suggests active position of student and his creative understanding of given information.

Nowadays, modern educational technology is introduced. Modern education must be in accordance to requirements of reality and international standard.

Interactive methods of studying include: problem lectures, presentation, discussion, case study, group work, method of brainstorming, mini research, business games, role games, method blitz of polls, method of questioning and etc.

One of the effective studying methods which is used at the Department of childhood diseases number 2 are problem lectures.

Lecture is similar to discussion, teaching simulates the research process (At first there are some key statements based on the topic of the lecture, the lecture is based on self-made analyze and summarize of material by students). This method helps to make students be interested and involved into the process of students learning. Contradiction of scientific understanding can be seen by posing the problem. Studying problem and studying situation are basic parts of problem learning. Students are given situation and exercise which is problem before starting to learn certain topic. Stimulating solving the problem by students helps to avoid contradictions among lector and students. This is effective method because some problems can be posed by students. Main success of this method is independent decision of problematic questions by students. Organization of this learning is enough hard process requiring preparation of lector. This method can be introduced in the structure of ready lectures and seminars additionally at first time.

Another effective method of interactive learning is Team-Based learning. Team-Based learning as one of innovative learning methods in the medical university let students improve skills of working in team, communicative and leader skills. The Main point is situation or conditions which choice influent on the result. There are more than one right solution. This method make students find solution by themselves and explain it. Team-Based learning method let make the correct solution at indefinite conditions, make the plan to get the correct solution, improve skills of observing the problem, make the plan of work, use theoretical knowledge in practice, pay attention to other specialists opinion.

This method helps to improve skills of analyzing the problem, to observe alternatives, to improve skills of solving the problems. The common technology of work based on this method is developed.

1. Before starting lectures the teacher

– determines main and additional materials;

– creates scenario.

Student must get the case and the list of recommended literature and prepare to the lesson.

2. In time of the lessons the teacher

– organizes preliminary discussion of the case;

– shares group for subgroups;

– leads of situation which is discussed.


– asks question;

– offers solutions;

– makes the solution;

– makes written report about work.

We had lesson on Team-Based learning method.

The group of 10 people was shared for two subgroups. Method of lesson included individual test (10 min – 10 %), team test (10 min – 20 %), analysis test – 5 min, clinical case (TBL) (40 min – 30 %), repetition of topic in the form of lecture 15 min, practical skills – (5 min – 20 %), demonstration of movie for the practical skills – 5 min, final group test (10 min – 20 %). Result was showed to students. Students give answers orally at the end of lessons. They marked advantages of Team-Based learning method. Main principles of organization of interactive learning method include following points.

– find the topic of the lesson;

– organization of the studying area comfortable for the dialog;

– motivation of students and teachers to cooperative work while learning;

– creation of special situations making students to integrate their efforts for solving the problem;

– making and accepting the rules of students and teacher cooperation;

– support the communication by using welcoming intonation, ability to ask constructive questions;

– optimal system of marks and results of cooperative work;

– improving of group and personal skills of analyze and self analyze.

Thus interactive learning as a form of educational process can be the factor which makes educational process cooperation optimal.

Finally we can say that the purpose of learning is not only gathering of information, knowledge and skills, but also preparation of the student as an object of his education at interactive learning.

Библиографическая ссылка

Tukbekova B.T., Dyusenova S.B., Kizatova S.T., Bogdanovic G.V. INTRODUCTION OF INNOVATIVE LEARNING METHODS AT TRAINING PEDIATRICIANS // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2013. – № 12. – С. 44-45;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4287 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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