Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

THE ROLE OF THE INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM Gubkin in training national

Berdyguzhin L.B. 1
1 Atyrau State University im. H. Dosmuhamedova
1. Bekmahanov E. useful work on the economics of the oil industry in Kazakhstan // Kazakhstan’s true. – 1960. – May 10. – 4 p.
2. Kaspy: oil and kultura.Fotokniga. – Almaty, 2011. – 192 p.
3. Muktar A.K. Istoriya Kazakh oil. – Atyrau, 2004. – 188 р.
4. Nursultanova L.N. Neftyanaya industry of Kazakhstan in the years of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945). – Almaty, 2010. – 256 p.
5. Otzyvy leaders of industry, science and technology / ed. I.I. Hodorovskogo. – Moscow-Leningrad, 1928. – 178 p.
6. Cherdabaev R.T. Neft: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. – Almaty, 2009. – 352 p.

The article discusses the history of the preparation of national engineers Kazakhstan’s oil industry in the 1930s. In 1930 the development of industry in Kazakhstan demanded software in the first place specialists mining and dobyvatelnyh complexes.

Therefore, the higher technical schools in the central cities of the USSR began to produce a large number of Kazakh students with specialties in mining engineering, metallurgical engineer, engineer, geologist, etc.

At the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, held in November 1935, was to take long-term plan of the «Big Emba». Invaluable assistance in the preparation of the national Russian engineers in the development of Kazakhstan’s oil industry.

In the 1930s, the young people of Kazakhstan began receiving oil specialty in higher educational institutions of the USSR.

Speaking of oil workers, we chose to lead as an example of the view of Petroleum engineers father Federal oil, known academician, rector of the Moscow Mining Academy Gubkin.

“The main type of engineer who prepare now and have to cook in our opinion the higher technical schools to serve the needs of our industry is a specialist engineer in any particular branch of technology and industry, thoroughly studied as a theory, practice and economics of production in their field, so and basic general engineering and theoretical science, which industry data are based or forming short, it must be a full-fledged specialist engineer a particular industry with a broad scientific and technical training.

The engineer must have a certain set of special skills and knowledge of a broad scientific and theoretical basis.

The curriculum of the school is to be built so that these two points he needed to be provided in the most favorable ratio [5, p. 27].

Invaluable assistance in the preparation of the national Russian engineers in the development of Kazakhstan’s oil industry.

One of the first graduates of the Moscow Institute of Oil was Naren Orynbayuly Imashev (1908–1972).

N.Imashev was born in 1908 in the village of number 13 Temir district of Aktobe region. After graduating in 1925, the seven-year school in Temir, in 1926–1929 he studied at the Workers’. After graduation, the talented young man enters 1930 in Moscow Mining Academy. At that time the Academy has been expanded and divided into 6 individual institutions. By his own request, he was left in the Petroleum Institute, and in 1934 received a mining engineer and geologist. For many years he worked in the fishery Bayshonas geologist, chief geologist at the Kazakhstan oil mill. For works in the discovery of oil and gas fields in the Mangistau peninsula awarded April 20, 1966 Lenin Prize [4, p. 113].

The man, whose name will forever remain in the history of Kazakhstan’s oil industry, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Oil – Zholdaskali Ahmetuly Dosmukhambetov (1916-1977).

J.A. Dosmukhambetov was born on September 15, 1916 in rural Rakos Makat district Guriev region. He studied in the years 1932–1934 in Gurievsk Petroleum College, and in 1940 graduated from the Moscow Oil Institute named after IM Gubkin. Received a degree in mining engineering and geology. He started his career in Emba.

He worked in the years 1940–1942 as chief geologist Bayshoonas enterprises, in 1942–1943 years as deputy chief geologist combine «Embaneft», in the years 1943–1947 Bayshonas director of the company, in the years 1947–1950 manage the trust «Kaznefterazvedka». After graduating from the academy in 1953 in Moscow was the chief geologist «Kazakhstanneft», and in the years 1957–1971 he worked successfully manage in recent years, has returned to the position of Chief Geologist.

So from 1940 Zholdaskali Ahmetuly all their strength and capabilities directed at the development of the oil industry, has made every effort to develop the science of geology, the aim of introduction of new technologies in production, up to the last days of persistently worked on the oil field, and geology. He was one of the first supporters of the use of seismic methods in reconnoitering oil fields and layers.

In the 1950–1960 years, twice elected to the Supreme Soviet of Kazakhstan, and in the years put scientific, industrial, economic and social problems of the area (then Mangistau Guriev and were part of the same area) on the agenda, what could draw the attention of the government [2, p. 139–141].

Next graduate of the Moscow Oil Institute Kuzembay Baspaev, who came on production in 1938. In his theses to the Kazakh engineers wrote: «I was born in 1910 in Bozashy (Mangistau) In that year the family moved to Makati City. In Dossor attended the four-year school. Then the student was admitted to the workshop. In 1928, he entered the Orenburg technical school, in 1929, was admitted to the 1st course faculty. In 1931, graduating, he worked in the Komsomol committee Dossor, followed by the presentation of the Kazakhstan government in 1932, he entered the Moscow Institute of Nonferrous Metals. After several petitions in 1934, Kazakhstan’s Embassy in Moscow helped to transfer to the Petroleum Institute. In the years 1935–1937 was an intern at the Baku plant where gained experience of Azerbaijani oil. So, after graduating from school in March 1938, returned in Makati engineer. He worked there until 1942, then went to the front. Since then I have terrible disabled group II. After all, I worked in the Ministry of Public Utilities, the Polytechnic Institute in Alma-Ata on the cargo engineering plant. Though he entered the graduate school of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences to conduct research in the field of oil, for health reasons had to interrupt his studies» [3, p. 86].

Another graduate of the Moscow Oil Institute Isenov Mukhambet (1909–1993) is not only a petroleum engineer, who made a great contribution to the development of the area, but also a skilled organizer and statesman [6, p. 216].

He was born in November 1909 in the village of Dossor of Atyrau region. In 1937 he graduated from the Moscow Gubkin Oil Institute. He started his career in 1918 working in a fish factory. Then he engaged in cattle breeding, in 1925 to unlearn Orenbugskom faculty work. After he worked as service engineer heavy industry of People’s Commissars of the USSR, then the head of the department.

In 1941 he was accepted as a volunteer in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland, was the platoon commander and November 25, 1941 at Moscow the first time participated in the battle. There was a regiment commander, deputy commander of the division. But in 1943, the decision of the State Committee of the USSR was relieved of his military duties, and is connected to the work in the specialty.

In 1943–1947 he served on the committee of the USSR oil. In 1947 he was transferred to positions in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, at the Council of People’s Commissars of Kazakhstan, at the Council of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan.

In 1963 he was the second secretary of the Communist Party of the West Kazakhstan region, in 1964, the first secretary of the Communist Party of Guriev area.

Bergalou Kalkan Bergaliuly (1893–1970) Mining Engineer, graduates of the Moscow Institute of Oil (1933). Before World War II was an oil worker at the field Dossor, Makati City. In the years 1942–1952 he headed the industry Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Head of Technical Security «Embaneft».

Among the first of Petroleum Engineers and are bright people of Kazakhstan science.

One of them, who graduated in 1938 from the Moscow Institute of Oil, Tarybay Shaukenbaev academic economist (1913–1985) [1, p. 3].

So 1930 positively characterized not only the development of the oil region, but in the formation of national engineering personnel.

The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Innovative technologies in the higher and professional education» Spain (Costa del Azaar), August, 2-9, 2013, came to the editorial office оn 17.07.2013.

Библиографическая ссылка

Berdyguzhin L.B. THE ROLE OF THE INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM Gubkin in training national // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2013. – № 12. – С. 72-73;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4297 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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