Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Balabekova M.G. 1 Baisalbayeva K.N. 2 Jubankuzova I.A. 3 Riskeldina A.A. 3
1 Almaty Humanitarian Technical University
2 Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics
3 Kazakh Academy of Labour and Social Relations
1. State Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005–2010 // Egemendі Kazakhstan. – 2004, October 22.
2. State educational standards RK. Higher Education. Undergraduate. Spetsialnostt 050704 – Computer hardware and software. SES RK 5.03.330-2006. – Astana: MES RK, 2006.
3. Gordon Dryden, Jeannette Vos. Revolution in education. – M.: PAR-Vinay, 2003. – 672 р.

Presently the swift height of volume of different types of information does impossible mastering by everybody in full her new theory in maintenance of education at his professional preparation. All of it results in the necessity of realization of researches for perfection of effective special of professional preparation, by creation of certain didactic terms. However, before tasks in hand on specialization of trade education of programmers did not allow in a sufficient measure to work out all his educational problems. In course of time became obvious, that it is related to that volume of information and task that a professional must decide constantly improves and increases. This height attained enormous sizes for today, especially in such scientifically based industry of Information Technology and related to him to specialties. All of it hampered the decision of problem by one specialization at preparation of corresponding specialists. Deciding a problem was possible only on the basis of bringing and

As an example for perfection of maintenance of education it is possible to bring words over from a book «Revolution in educating» Gordon Draidner and Djanet Wos, where the problem of the modern world is perfectly described in area of education, inherent to many states. They write, that the «World changes so quickly, and the systems education are so unreceptive to new ideas and inert, as though, getting in the trap of time, they continues to serve a past epoch that made» off a long ago [3, с. 378]. All these words were said as though and for us in accordance with vision of prospects of development of our time and certainly in our address.

Necessity of account for maintenance and methodology of educating to programming, specific of profile of preparation specialist in the system, higher education caused by the necessity of substantial improvement of preparation of growing up to professional activity. It is therefore enough to mark that educating to information technologies and programming in professional educational establishments must come true taking into account particularities of profile specialization of future graduating students of programmers. Such approach allowed to educe the ways of creation New Information Technology, endowed in forming of new world view ideas about possibility of computerization and complex computer-aided manufacturing in a prospect. All of it supposes to extend not only ability correctly to formulate tasks and decide them by means of computers but also work with a modern informative technique, including possibility овла-дения technologies of the modern programming and maintenance of computer technology.

As far as practical introduction in educational establishments of the computing engineering, accumulations of experience on application in educational aims, since 1985 in parallel in countries the CIS and in Kazakhstan at preparation of specialists on programming, computerization of educational establishments of universal and professional education began to be conducted in life. This process got in the beginning to maintenance of education for preparation of specialists of IKT and especially on programming.

Analyzing the investigations conducted in Kazakhstan on a theme психолого-педагогической preparation of programmers in the system of continuous education, it is possible to come to the next conclusion. Authors examine computerization as not aim, but as means of educating, not denying traditional forms and methods of educating. Thus they sent the efforts to opening of basic possibilities of IKT, watching out for their perfection in the process of organization of works on application of innovative methodology. However not what methodologies sent to the prospect of психолого-педагогической preparation of programmers, or on development of innovative decisions of problems, not present and does not offer, considering that they recommend, as is sufficient. Maybe, these recommendations can be taken into account, because at one time they were faithful and by a correct decision.

For comparison, and as a reference-point took interesting researches, present Russian authors. Universal technology of computerization of educational courses concept base of that based on obvious hierarchical presentation of material was there described, the scenarios of reading are worked out with использова-нием approaches as a hierarchy. Developments of criteria interesting for the estimation of actions of taught, that take into account feature and advantage of using, outlines of data. Pedagogical terms assisting the increase of efficiency of application of technology, which is motivated totality of requirements, are certain to planning of methodical developments. In separate works the problems of the use of new ИКТ are investigated in an educational process and recommendation on the use of web- pages of Internet. However these works give a reference-point only, because fall short of to the path chosen by us.

With arrival in educational establishments of the newest computer technology with vast possibilities and office equipment of the last generation, possibility appeared it is wide to use them in an educational process. There were are created local and global networks resource in the manner of electronic libraries, magazines, electronic textbooks. Possibility of creation of centers of the controlled from distance educating appeared, it is wide to master the various resources of network the Internet. Students work as with Web- servers, Web- of page create, placing on them information about the institutions of higher learning and interests. The use of telecommunication networks in the process of educating allows by means e-mail to participate in teleconference of the different scale and territorial distributions with a transmission and receipt of materials from different archives and databases. Work is possible in virtual classes with coevals from different cities and world countries, participating in remote Olympiads and competitions, that considerably promotes motivation to education.

Analyzing works of the Kazakhstan scientists it is possible to come to the conclusion, that were exposed by them methodical essence new innovative information’s and information’s technology, as modern perspective pedagogical technologies. They consider that problems of the future education based on the use of Information technologies, which are concluded in creation of pedagogical technologies and introduction methodical innovation in an educational process at educational activity.

System of higher education in the conditions of new communication to technology, forming of new model of preparation of programmers supposes, conditioned on the change of the educational programs. The major instrument of mechanism, allowing to carry out control after quality of preparation of students-programmers, is government’s standard of education bases of the education are pawned, in particular introduction in an educational process new to information’s technology in higher education that supposes creation of united network of e – mail for institutions of higher learning with their subsequent plugging in methodical network of Internet.

Today there is enormous experience of attaching to the computer of the taught different age-related groups : students, schoolchildren, children of junior school and even preschool age. The use of Information technologies in an educational process allows to organize cognitive activity to optimize an educational process, increase the volume of information, reported on employments, promotes interest in educating. All of it, undoubtedly, conduces to drastic structural alternations of organization of educational activity, to the origin of her new kinds and forms in the process of forming of skills, knowledge, abilities.

The system of preparation of future engineers-programmers in the system of continuous education plugs preparation in bachelor and city council. The basic criterion of completeness of educational process in бакалавриате is mastering by a student no less than 128 credits or a 5760 o’clock of the theoretical educating and no less than 10 credits or a 630 o’clock of professional productive practice. Thus a student must master 79 credits or 3420 hours on an obligatory component and 49 credits or 2340 hours on you to the coniferous forest of institution of higher learning [3].

Last years, all consumers marked low level teaching of profile disciplines, providing the necessary level of professional knowledge and abilities that would be directed directly on vaccinated for the specialist of necessary skills of work with technology on creation in the workplace digital resources. Such phenomenon experts explain a few reasons having, lately place in practice of preparation of specialists in professional educational establishments. They following:

  • firstly, maintenance of education of programmers falls behind from the state and level of development and practical application of IKT in practice, therefore graduating students constantly have after completion of educational establishment to be taught again, because they are not ready to creative work;
  • future specialists in the process of preparation are not acquainted enough with maintenance of activity of industry, their structures and tasks executable each of links of enterprises of industry, to adapt oneself, graduating students are often taught again;
  • future programmers not always are acquainted with new programmatic works, used lately in practice in industry on the whole and by novelties in general in area of development of information technology;
  • in an educational process does not acquaint with the novelties of technical equipment’s of IKT, applied equipment quickly become antiquated and fall behind from the last achievements, because educational establishments do not have sufficient facilities on acquisition and permanent updating of technical equipment’s.

All of it can be explained by objective and subjective reasons taking place in modern educational establishments of trade education.

Experience specialists consider that equipment in educational establishments must be updated with periodicity at least one time in a year. Then there will not be lag in the field of technical equipped in area of IKT and telecommunications. In addition, changing of technologies and work in the plan of mastering of the new programs takes place quarterly. Some educational establishments in our country have a no possibility to occupy professional monitoring of labor-market, to trace modern trends of industry, although in an ideal institutions of higher learning foresee events on many years forward, and not generate unclaimed specialists. Until home system of education is not mobility. Preparation of specialists is not correlated with modern, by the constantly changing requirements of labor -market to the programmers.

To follow in the process of forming of maintenance to the state of affairs of modern requirements, institutions of higher learning were under an obligation to adapt for the terms methodology of education and educational materials and anymore attract of leading specialists practical workers to work with students on implementation of independent tasks.

With the purpose of reduction of lag of rates of preparation of specialists in the system of continuous education, from the level of height of necessities of home industry of information technology, and also increase of level qualifications and training of the specialized personnel’s(testing, managers of designers and other computer specialties), it is necessary to realize in the process of preparation of programmers next didactic events:

  • it is creation in the conditions of republic of educational-consulting Center remote and internal practical education programmer on information technologies and management;
  • it is organization Kazakhstan informatively-educational Internet there is not an university of information technologies;
  • it is development of permanent international cooperation with the anchorwomen of educational, training organizations in the field of IKT.

The work was submitted to International Scientific Conference «Present-day problems of science and education», Russia (Moscow), 25‒27, February, 2014, came to the editorial office 18.02.2014.

Библиографическая ссылка

Balabekova M.G., Baisalbayeva K.N., Jubankuzova I.A., Riskeldina A.A. FEATURES OF PREPARATION PROGRAMMERS IN INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING OF KAZAKHSTAN (OPTIMIZATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING WITH LIMITED RESOURCES) // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 4-2. – С. 7-9;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=5060 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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