Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Ivanov V.V. 1
1 South-Russian state polytechnic university (NPI) by name of M.I. Platov
1. Ivanov V.V., Balakai V.I., Ivanov A.V., Arzumanova A.V. Synergism in composite electrolytic nickel-boron-fluoroplastic coatings // Rus. J. Appl. Chem. – 2006. – Т.79. – № 4. – С. 610–613.
2. Ivanov V.V., Balakai V.I., Kurnakova N.Yu. et al. Synergetic effect in nickel-teflon composite electrolytic coatings // Rus. J. Appl. Chem. – 2008. – Т. 81. – № 12. – С. 2169–2171.
3. Ivanov V.V., Shcherbakov I.N. Modeling of composite nickel-phosphorus coatings with anti-friction properties. – Rostov n/D Univ journal. «Math. universities. North-Caucasus. region». – 2008. – 112.
4. Balakai V.I., Ivanov V.V., Balakai I.V., Arzumanova A.V. Analysis of the phase disorder in electroplated nickel-boron coatings // Rus. J. Appl. Chem. – 2009. – Т. 82. – № 5. – С. 851–856.
5. Ivanov V.V., Shcherbakov I.N. Modelling the antifriction properties of homogeneous composite coatings on steel parts of friction based on the properties of the solid – body counter and lubricant. Math. universities. North- Caucasus. region. Tehn. science. – 2010. – № 5. – P.72–75.
6. Ivanov V.V., Shcherbakov I.N. Modelling the antifriction properties of homogeneous composite coatings on steel parts of friction, taking into account the properties of the solid components of the counter-body. Math. universities. North-Caucasus. region. Tehn. science. – 2010. – № 6. – P. 79–82.
7. Shcherbakov I.N., Ivanov V.V., Loginov V.T., etc. Chemical nanokonstruirovanie composite materials and coatings with anti-friction properties. Rostov n / D Univ journal. «Math. universities. North- Caucasus. region. Tehn. Science». – 2011. – 132 p.

Model of non-interacted «concentration waves». In simple case the tribologic system from two compositional materials (CM1 and CM2) may be presented by following scheme CM1/°/CM2, where the symbol ° is denotes the «third body» without liquid lubricant. The composition of «third body» is the rezult of the «concentration waves» addition from CM1 and CM2. Then the friction coefficient and the sum velocity of linear wear are the following:



where ivan24.wmf and ivan25.wmf are the tribologic properties of the CM1 and CM2 in the CM1/°/CM1 and CM2/°/CM2 systems, accordingly. The CM1 tribologic properties are may be calculated by next formulae:




If the relative synergic effect for each CM is the next relation:


(by α = αi and ki ≅ 0,5; kn,i ≅ 0),

the common synergic effect may be determined by following form: <d> = 2 <α2> (1– <α>), where: ivan30.wmf is the average concentration of the CM1ÇCM2 solid components into the «third body» volume. It’s note, this additive model of non-interacted «concentration waves» are may be used for prediction of CM tribologic properties in some systems [1–5].

Model of interacted «concentration waves». The tribologic properties of the compositional materials (CM) CMi (i = 1,2) in CMi/°/CMi systems are may be calculated by next relations:



where ivan33.wmf and ivan34.wmf) are the sets of average properties values of the solid (with concentration αi) and lubricant CMi components according to «standard scale», the symbol ° is denotes the «third body» without liquid lubricant, δi – are the relative synergic effect for each system.

Let’s assume that the interacted «concentration waves» from each CMi are determine the composition of the «third body». Then the additive model of the friction coefficient and the sum velocity of linear wear calculation may be presented by next formulae:

f = flub + (<α> – <d>)(fsol – flub);

Ii = Ilub,i + (<α> + <d>)(Isol,i – Ilub,i),










the value ivan43.wmf – is the average concentration of the solid components into «third body» volume [6].

The relative synergic effects are may be presented by following relations:


(for the velocity of linear wear) and

<d> = 2 <α>2(1– <α>) (for the friction coefficient).

It’s need to note, this additive model of interacted «concentration waves» are may be used for prediction of CM tribologic properties in sоme systems [5, 7].

Библиографическая ссылка

Ivanov V.V. «CONCENTRATION WAVES» MODEL FOR THE TRIBOLOGIC SYSTEM CM1/°/CM2 // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 4-2. – С. 59-60;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=5087 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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