Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Adiyetova E. 1 Mukasheva A. 1 Tazhidenova A. 1
1 Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov
1. Schiuma G., Lerro A. Knowledge-based dynamics of regional development: the intellectual capital innovation capacity model // International Journal of Knowledge-based Development. – 2010. – Vol. 1. – Р. 39–52.
2. Makarov P.Y. Knowledge management mechanism based on the concept of intellectual capital. – 2012. – Р. 241.

Recognized feature of the modern economy is to increase the share of non-material components in the resulting products. This applies not only to high-tech industries , where the role of knowledge is obvious, on the preparation and use of which significant resources are left and that , in the end , give the value of the product .

In turn, this causes a need for models that allow to reveal the structure of intellectual resources of the region. On strengthening the evidence of this need, for example, that in the last decade, key international organizations such as the World Bank, UN, OECD are working in this direction. The concept of intellectual capital can be considered as one of the most promising models, revealing the structure of intellectual resources through the next set of categories [2].

  1. Human capital.
  2. Relational capital.
  3. Process capital.

Renewing capital – intellectual regeneration system resources: educational and scientific – research institutions, their effectiveness and development.

The concept of intellectual capital covers the structure of the regional knowledge system which allows you to create a strategy for its development, and thus can be used as one approach to knowledge management in the region. In this connection it is useful to talk about the possibility of establishing a framework. Knowledge management is based on intellectual capital.

1. Preparatory stage. The purpose of this stage is to define the basic options for future work. First of all – problem solved in a particular study: development of recommendations for the further development of intellectual capital, its benchmarking, etc. The task requires special post evaluation of intellectual capital and the direction of the analysis of its results.

2. Monitoring parameters of the intellectual capital of the region, through the assessment of its elements and the level of their mutual influence can be carried out on the basis of indicators and by using expert methods.

3. Analyzing the status of intellectual capital. The purpose of this step is to create a vision of the current state of the intellectual capital of the region, for which the intellectual capital is the map that maps its elements in the coordinates of their condition and the level of influence, and use it to draw conclusions about the state of its structure.

4. Summing up is the final step which depends on the task set in the beginning. In general terms, it is expected to identify areas for further development of intellectual capital as a whole and its individual members in particular.

Among the basic principles on which the development strategy can be based intellectual capital of the region are the following:

1. The structure of intellectual capital must comply with the logic of the development of its media [3], i.e. the nature of the regional economy.

2. The region is a complex socio-economic system in which it is impossible to identify the «extra» elements [4] – the same can be said about the intellectual capital of the region.

Development of the intellectual capital of the region, therefore, is considered in the context of maneuvering between the development of its key elements, and the overall balance of the structure. This process can occur in three ways:

1. Orientation to the formation of distinctive features and elements of the priority development of intellectual capital is associated with the activities of the key sectors for the region.

2. Focusing on strengthening synergies due to uniform development of all elements of intellectual capital, which is reasonable in view of the complexity of many modern technologies and, as a consequence of failure to reach a result, developing only a narrow area of expertise.

3. In the situation where the structure of intellectual capital is unbalanced, we can talk about the need to eliminate these disparities, as the priority area of development.

Another important aspect should be mentioned: regardless of the chosen concept, it is essential to question the institutional mechanism for its implementation. The structure of participants of knowledge management in the region is similar to the participants in the formation of a regional innovation system (for example, within the concept of the «triple helix»), including the state, the business community and the scientific community, but the specific mechanisms of their interaction also require consideration.

The work was submitted to International Scientific Conference «Problems of international integration of national education standards», France (Paris), March, 14–21, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 07.02.2014.

Библиографическая ссылка

Adiyetova E., Mukasheva A., Tazhidenova A. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MODEL BASED ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL CONCEPT // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 4-2. – С. 68-68;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=5093 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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