Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Benesh N.I. 1 Dyusembinova G. K. 1
1 East Kazakhstan State University named S.Amanzholov
1. Khutorskoy A.V. The key competence as a component of the personality-oriented paradigm // Narodnoe obrazovanie. - 2003. - № 2. - c. 58-64.
2. Vorovsshikov S.G. etc. How effectively develop logical thinking of younger students. - M: 5 for knowledge, 2008. - 288 c.
3. Bakulina GA., Obukhova EA., Dembitskaya N.V. Methods of intellectual development of the younger pupils at the Russian lessons. - M: Vlados, 2006. - 216 c.
4. Bratanova T.A. Methodology of the organization of research games with younger pupils // Elementary school. 2008. - №5. - c. 41-42.
5. Vorovsshikov S.G., Novozhilova M.M. School must teach to think, design, explore - M: 5 for knowledge, 2007. - 246 c.

One of the priority tasks of the modern school is to create the necessary and full-fledged conditions for individual development of each child, formation of an active position of subjectivity students in the learning process. The teacher should create conditions for formation and development of key competences of pupils. The article reveals the importance of the competence-based approach and the formation of key competencies for younger schoolchildren, represents the ways and methods of formation of key competencies at the Russian lessons.

The main goal of the 12 - year general secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan are formation and development of an educated, creative and competitive personality, capable to live in a dynamic developing environment ready to self-actualization in their own interests and in the interests of society. Students at the same time with knowledge must obtain practical experience, the ability to use this knowledge in real life.

Competence becomes a sphere of the relations existing between knowledge and action in the practice of life. Defining the term «competence» and «competency» А.V. Khutorskoy offers the following definitions. Competence includes a set of interrelated qualities of the person (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), asked in relation to a specific group of objects and processes, and necessary for quality productive activities. Competence is possession of a person by corresponding competent, including his personal attitude to it and the object of activity. Competence should be understood as a given requirement, the standard of education and training for students and competence is as it actually formed personal qualities and experience activities [1]. Guided by the theory of key competences, we have chosen the main, in our opinion, competence, which forms the teacher in primary school: educational-cognitive, informational and communicative competence.

Educational and cognitive competence supposes to have the ability to set a goal and to organize its achievement, ability to explain its purpose; organization of planning, analysis, reflection, self-evaluation of their educational and cognitive activity; ask questions to the observed facts, find the causes of phenomena, to mark their understanding or misunderstanding in relation to the investigated problem; put cognitive tasks and propose a hypothesis, to choose the conditions of observation or experience, to describe the results, draw conclusions.

Information competence provides skills in working with various information sources: books, textbooks, reference books; the ability to independently search for, retrieve, organize, analyze and select the necessary information, to organize, to convert, store, and transmit it; possession of skill navigate the information flows, the ability to allocate them in the most important and necessary.

Communicative competence supposes to have the ability to present themselves orally and in writing, write the questionnaire, letter, congratulations; possession by the ways of interaction with others; the ability to speak with oral presentation, to ask a question correctly, to conduct training dialogue; possession of different types of speech activity (monologue, dialogue, reading, letter); possession with the methods of joint activities in the group, methods of action in the situations; the ability to search for and find compromises [2].

The new paradigm of pedagogy moves the centre of problems from the formation of knowledge and skills on the holistic development of the individual. Introduction of a competence approach modifies the contents of education, implementation of the educational process and practice of the teacher. The learning purpose is becoming not a process but by the pupils’ achievement of the certain result. Changing the form and methods of conducting the classes training acquires activities, the emphasis is on learning through practice, productive, with students working in small groups, forming of individual educational trajectories, the use of interdisciplinary connections. Through the activity approach more fully to manifest and develop the ability of the person, closely linked to the personality-oriented approach, which focuses on accounting and development of the capabilities of a student which is achieved by using various programs, differentiated tasks, out of classes forms of activities, which will much fully solve the problems of individual educational trajectory. Application of modern methods of teaching of the native language enables the formation of key competencies of young learners.

Our students are just starting their way into the mysterious world of linguistics. The teacher’s aim is to light the flame of curiosity and thirst for knowledge in the child. It is possible if a teacher approaches to the teaching of the native language creatively, taking into account the age peculiarities of the children. The child often cannot «take» that that the teacher wants to «give» him. It occurs because the student does not know why he needs these skills and where they can be useful, i.e. there is no motive. The teacher should help the child to determine what material he needs to study at the lesson and where he can apply to his life. Children also learn to communicate with each other, with the teacher, they acquire the ability to conduct debates, to defend their opinion, to prove the correctness of his answer. They formed communicative competence.

At the lessons of native language the younger students often face with the problem of misunderstanding with complicated scientific names of studied spellings and linguistic concepts. To solve this problem, the children themselves can formulate the topic of the lesson, based on the contents of educational material. Pupils do the proposed teacher mental operations (comparison, finding a common and differences, grouping, classification) and come to the right conclusion. They have to carry out related intellectual operations in the form of different tasks coming one by one. [3].

For example: the establishment of semantic communication in words find common, the implementation of the grouping, the exclusion of odd words, the construction of the conclusions. This is the example of an exercise while studying the theme «The first declination of nouns». There are words written on the blackboard: carr…t, seam…n, bi…d, pot…to, b…ll, wri…er and so on. The task: read the written words on the blackboard, and write them on spellings. Insert the missing letters. Look for common in data words (these nouns, a common noun in the singular). Find the odd words among these words and tell me what declination of nouns will be devoted to the topic of today's lesson. (Among these words one noun is in the first declination singular, others are in the second and third declension. Therefore, the topic of today's lesson is «The first declination of nouns».)

All the exercises have an element of entertaining, it creates interest at the lessons of the Russian language, causes positive emotions and mobilizes psychological qualities of students for productive work at all subsequent stages of the lesson. There is carried intensification of knowledge by asking questions: «Where have you met with this object, phenomenon, reception etc? Where do you think in life you will need that knowledge?». Answering these questions students focus their attention on independent cognitive activity. There is occurred the process of obtaining the reality knowledge and mastering the methods of cognitive problems. The conclusions according to their observations and research children make themselves. During such work at the lesson the students in the primary grades are forming a number of the key educational competencies, which are: educational-cognitive, informational, communicative.

It is very convenient to use a problem situation at the lessons of the native language in primary school. If the lesson begins with the situation based on the real life of a child, all children will involve to the work without any exception, even the most passive will be interested, and they will receive good knowledge. For example: The subject f the lesson is «Greeting»: The task is to write a greeting card, a letter, a message to a friend. The theme is «The Spelling of Ü at the end of nouns after sibilant consonants» - You are sellers at the store. Write the labels to toys and books: mya…, me…, obpu…, re… and etc.

An important indicator of formation of cognitive competence in children is the availability of developed spelling. The student should be able to find the location of the hard writing, determine the type of spelling and apply the rules of writing in practice. Each spelling we denote (by agreement) as a signal light of a particular colour. Soft vowel tested accented with a red signal light, unaccented vowels excluded accented with yellow, paired voiced and voiceless consonants - blue, consonants green etc. This technique develops the pupils spelling vigilance, forms the educational-cognitive competence. In order to deliver the signal light of the desired colour, you need to not only find a dangerous place, but remember the view spelling.

The degree of understanding of the learning material is increasing, its memorization is improving and intellectual development of students is growing with the drafting of generalizing schemes, tables. Students start to work on them after the formulation of verbal output when the material is mainly understood, accepted, generalized, and its processing deepens and systematizes the acquired knowledge. This activity can initially be collective, then it has a group and individual character. The effectiveness of the schemes and tables is that that the signs and communications were allocated by the children themselves in their own actions. Tables with elements of modelling allow to give children difficult linguistic concepts by more accessible form.

Application of game techniques allows the transition to unusual for children scientific names spelling rules make smooth and affordable, promotes the formation of key competencies of young learners. The game elements are not a substitute for a fully scientific names spelling, and accompany them, facilitating children's perceptions of spelling rules, and their application in practice. But the main achievement live a genuine interest in the lessons of the Russian language manages to cause not only motivated students, but also the so-called «satisfactory» students. They like that dry spelling rules came to action and took a curious nature. For example: the theme «Spelling audited unstressed vowel in the root of the words» we with the children presented as a game of «Find the parent of the word with doubtful vowel in the root». First, we find out that in the world of people, children tend to resemble their parents or grandparents. Students with interest are beginning to remember that the eyes of the same colour as someone from their relatives. Then there is association with the world of words. Words like people are related and similar with their «eyes» - vowel letters. Checking words we call «father» or «mother», and checked words by their «babies». Children enthusiastically start to search for «parents» for the words «children». This work is carried out simultaneously with calling of scientific name of this spelling, and is not a complete replacement of the terminology used in the tutorial. This technique facilitates the transition from the world of children's games in the world of scientific linguistic terms, and helps to realize the principle of humanization of training.

This method of studying material increases motivation of learners: «Correct - incorrect approval». Students are offered several statements from not studied themes, children should select true statements, relying on their own experience or just guessing. At the stage of reflection you need to go back to the reception, to determine whether any of the claims were correct and what was incorrect.

Younger school age is the initial stage of entering into research and development, laying solid foundation for further mastering it. In their work with students, we use the method of projects and scientific research, which frees the child, increases the level of cognitive activity, learning motivation, promotes emotional balance and confidence. In the project activity should include pupils gradually, starting from the first grade. At first they are available collective creative matters: «33 sisters», «Bouquet of polite words», «Visiting grandfather Kornei», and in the third and fourth grades, students with great interest carry out quite complex projects.

The active use of the design and research method allows to form and progressively develop at the students all kinds of key competences. A high level of cognitive interest of students is expressed in the ability to independently search for information, selecting a source of information, selection and classification of the received material; ability to cooperate in groups, in a team; adequate self-esteem of students, to the quest for creativity, self-realization.

Modern lesson is impossible without using of information and communication technologies. Use a computer and an interactive whiteboard can be in the group, steam room and individual work: individually, developing self-control and research skills; in pairs, developing skills of cooperation, mutual assistance; design and presentation of creative projects, alternative homework; as a source of educational information when working in groups and individually; writing the material for self-examination and discussion.

All these methods of work with the computer at the lesson are used with the purpose of intensification of self-educational activity of the students. Students are gaining new knowledge from different sources of information: educational literature, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, reference books, mass media, Internet resources. It is important to teach children, finding the right information when working with different sources, critically evaluate it, revealing reliability. Getting new information from various sources, students use different methods: observation, reading and writing, listening. Then they process the information received: analyze, generalize, classify, compare, and distinguish causes, effects to get the desired result. An important component for the information competence of students is the conversion of information from one form to another and selection the most convenient form. They may be texts, tables, diagrams, illustrations [5].

Thus, for the formation of key competencies we need modern methods and techniques of the organization the educational process. Including the lessons job competence-oriented nature of the job, involving a student's ability to be creative activities, we form the competences of the younger students. Pupils increase creative activity, internal motivation, intellectual development, level of independence, the cohesion of the team, all this can improve the efficiency, quality training and education of the younger students. Work with the use of new forms and methods, which aimed at forming key competences of pupils, allows the teachers to improve and increase their competence.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Problems of quality of education», Morocco, on May 20-27, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 22.04.2014

Библиографическая ссылка

Benesh N.I., Dyusembinova G. K. FORMING KEY COMPETENCES OF JUNIOR PUPILS AT THE NATIVE LANGUAGE LESSONS // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 6. – С. 20-23;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=5833 (дата обращения: 27.09.2024).

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