Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Agayeva A.N. 1 Vasilchenko T.Z. 1
1 Belgorod university of cooperation
1 . Rozdolskaya I.V. Ledovskaya M. E. Ledovsky I.I. Otsenka of multifunctionality of market researches as key tool of the analysis of the market of a manpower//International magazine of applied and basic researches. – 2012 . – No. 12. – Page 103 - 107
2 . Grishkova N. S., Lisyutchenko T.A. Systematization of numerous approaches to marketing studying//the Messenger of the Belgorod university of cooperation, economy and the right. – 2009 . – No. 4-2. – Page 153-159

Any research on the structure is the organized cornerstone at the heart of which the certain technological scheme reflecting sequence and a combination of use of methods of research is. Modern technologies of market researches are based on introduction of the innovations borrowed from other fields of knowledge and sciences. Today there is no uniform standard definition and a type of technology of carrying out market researches that is explained by essential dependence of technology of market research on its purposes and tasks; continuous replenishment of receptions and methods of the organization of market researches by new advanced development, and also conscious simplification of the scheme of carrying out market researches.

Technological process of preparation of carrying out market research includes set of specific receptions and the methods united in complex process of research. It is directed on collecting, receiving, processing and formation of the marketing information distributed on four main stages of technological process of realization of research, such as: the initial stage of research connected with definition of problems, the purposes and the tasks, the subsequent development of the plan of research, its realization and preparation of the final reporting under results of implementation of the research project [1].

One of features of technological preparation of carrying out market researches in the conditions of a saturated market is increase of the importance of the analysis within a complex of marketing of sales channels of goods. Scrupulous research and the analysis of a state and tendencies of development of sales channels allows to create to the modern enterprises base for increase of profitability of the sales that in turn is an actual reference point of operating activities of trade enterprises.

Besides, for ensuring growth of profitability of sales it is necessary to consider requirements of the saturated market assuming transition from extensive growth at the expense of expansion of territories and new sales channels, to systematic dot work with each available trade enterprise within a network, an outlet [2].

The technology of carrying out market researches has to provide to trade enterprises information giving opportunity is thinner to adjust the marketing policy and policy of sales: to change pricing concerning a number of commodity groups, to remove separate groups of goods of the range, to displace accents in advance between separate categories of outlets.

Other feature of technological process is need to consider level of depth and quality of the analytical researches connected with sales by preparation of carrying out market research. Transition from quantitative indices of sales as a key reference point to quality indicators assumes similar change of mentality of the experts who are carrying out functions of market researches and sales and as not all employees can quickly be reconstructed, there can be a need of change of the personnel for divisions of marketing and sales.

The successful technologies defining practice of preparation of carrying out market researches of the market further will make a basis for processes of pricing and optimization of structure of sales of trade enterprise, providing successful formation of the base in a uniform matrix of growth of sales of trade enterprise.


The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference "Safety problems, modeling and forecasting of economic processes", Israel (Tel Aviv), April 25 - May 2, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 20.03.2014

Библиографическая ссылка

Agayeva A.N., Vasilchenko T.Z. FEATURES OF TECHNOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF CARRYING OUT MARKET RESEARCHES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE SATURATED MARKET // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 6. – С. 58-59;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=5852 (дата обращения: 27.09.2024).

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