Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Kostrova G.N. 1 Sovershaeva S.L. 1 Zashikhina V.V. 1 Tzyganok T.V. 1 Sherstennikova A.K. 1 Yushmanova L.S. 1
1 Northern State Medical University
The FGOS III generation realization is practically suggested the new qualitatively approach to the specialists’ and experts’ training, when the leading role is became not the total sum of the knowledge and the practical skills formation, but the ability to search independently for the answers to the raised questions and to be comprehended the course of the educational material. The development of the individual’s intellectual potential, the formation of the logical analysis methods, the comprehensive skills to be processed the necessary information, to be formed the productive thinking are becoming the higher education objectives. This approach has already found its reflection, in the ratio of the classroom and extracurricular load – up to 60 % of the total time to be mastered the curriculum of the educational program is made up now the proportion of the students’ independent work. For all this, the use of the elaborated and carefully designed didactic tools provision of the independent work is acquired the particular significance.

“The Workbook” is practically contained the structured set of the materials for each of the sections of the normal physiology: the purpose of the section study; the list of the examination questions for the section, the questions for the self – control; the methods and the practical works description, having proposed for the mastering in the framework of this section; the computer simulations description of the “Virtual Physiology” computer program, that the student can be performed, as within the framework of the classroom work, well as independently (e.g. for links, to the related resources); the tasks for the self – study, the examples of the situational challenges with the standard solutions, the themes abstracts, the recommended references list, the preparation algorithm for the classes, the information on the rating system of the knowledge assessment and examination structure for the normal physiology.

At “The Workbook” creation, the Chair employees’ staff has been based on the approach, according to which the 4 levels of the student’s independent work are being singled out:

1) the reproducing independent works on the model;

2) the divergent – reconstructively works;

3) the heuristic works;

4) the creative (e.g. research) works.

The tasks for the self – study are practically included in themselves, as the quite simple tasks for the reproduction (e.g. the schemes, tables filling), well as the divergent – reconstructively works (e.g. the answer plan making out for the question). Such tasks fulfillment is aimed at to draw the student’s attention to the main points and the principle moments in the material study, to restructure the information, to consolidate the terminological apparatus, and the basic concepts, the digital parameters.

The representative examples of the situational challenges are based on the knowledge clinical application on the physiology, and they are presented a higher level of the complexity. The analysis of each of the four possible answers offered with the detailed justification of the correct choice can not only to be fixed the theory, but to be formed the logical approach, the ability to be applied the knowledge in the particular clinical situation, which is especially significant in the physician preparation.

The abstracts topics have been made up in such a way, that the student is not just theoretical material presented by the well – known theme, and conducted the research work, for example, the comparative analysis of the physiological research techniques and methods or explored the potential impact possibilities on the regulation physiological mechanisms of the certain processes.

The proposed challenges gradation has the specific significance, which is the component multilevel approach to the learning. So, the transition from the simple challenges to the complex ones is practically given the student’s confidence in their abilities, it, moreover, is created the positive attitude on the subject study. On the other hand, the quite clear challenges division, in terms of the complexity, is allowed, as the student, well as the teacher to understand the level, at which the student is studying the discipline. This is practically allowed the possibility to the teacher consciously to be applied the methodological approaches, and also to be built the individual educational trajectory.

Thus, “The Workbook” in the normal physiology is the significant didactic tool to be insured the students’ independent work in their vocational training of the future physician.

The work is submitted to the VI International Scientific Conference “ Science and education in modern Russia”, Moscow, November, 13–15, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 17.11.2014.

Библиографическая ссылка

Kostrova G.N., Sovershaeva S.L., Zashikhina V.V., Tzyganok T.V., Sherstennikova A.K., Yushmanova L.S. “THE WORKBOOK” IN NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY, AS A MEANS OF THE STUDENTS’ INDEPENDENT WORK ORGANIZATION // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 9. – С. 10-10;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=6380 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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