Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Sovershaeva S.L. 1 Sherstennikova A.K. 1 Zashikhina V.V. 1 Tzyganok T.V. 1 Kostrova G.N. 1 Jushmanova L.S. 1
1 Northern State Medical University

The competence – based approach introduction to the learning (e.g. FGOS of the third generation) is one of the key points, in the context of the Higher Medical education reform in the RF. In the new standards structure, the students’ independent work role is being increased, which has already been reflected in the change in the ratio of the classroom and extracurricular hours to the first decrease and he second increase. It is quite a difficult challenge for the junior students, who have not yet fully adapted to the Institute of Higher education, the College, and the University education system. Therefore, the students’ preparation process optimization goal has already been set to the chair staff, by means of the teaching methodology changing.

So, the main components of the educational process structure have already been formed and filled with the substantial and content part: the lectures, practical training and seminars, independent work. “The Workbook”, in which all the tasks are set out, has already been developed to facilitate the student’s work. Thus, all the necessary materials are available on the Internet at the University site chair page.

Due to the sharp decrease in the number of the lecture hours, the lecture course structure, which now it is included only the review lecturers on the key sections and topics, has already been changed. For all this, the complete package of the lecture presentations is issued and is given to the students. The control of the lecture material mastering is being carried out, through the feedback directly during the lecture, by means of questions and answers, as well as, specially, composed tests around the whole lecture course.

At the practical training, the students perform the tasks on the physiological processes modeling, by means of the simulation computer software. The part of these tasks are practically performed by them at home, freeing up more additional time the obtained results discussion in the class. The situational challenges solution to the case of the clinical and physiological plan, having adapted for the preclinical courses students is another part of the classroom study. For all this, the method is practically used in small working groups. As the auditoriums are equipped by the computer equipment and have their access to the Internet, the students can practically use in their preparation of all the available materials: lectures, electronic textbooks, and manuals, publications in the scientific periodicals. When the assignments discussing, the teacher maximum his attention is paid to the professional competences formation – the ability to use the knowledge in the physiology for the clinical situations treatment. For all this, multiple repetitions of the basic concepts, at the same time, is practically contributed to the material consolidation. The psychological comfort conditions are being created for the students varying degrees of their readiness and qualification. So, the clinical material using in the tasks is significantly increased the students motivation to the physiological challenges study.

The test tasks fulfillment on the studied subject is the obligatory component of the students’ training. The increased complexity tasks (e.g. so called, the advanced level), which are also discussed in the class, are usually being offered, especially, for the most successful students. The mastering of the minimum basic level is practically achieved, thanks to the simple test tasks availability, having covered all the key aspects of the studied section. So, the similar tests have already been included into the boundary control program and the final semester testing.

The abstract messages preparation, in the form of the multimedia presentations on the analysis results of the current scientific publications reviews (e.g. as domestic, well as foreign ones) in the studied sections at the “Physiology” Chair. This is practically allowed to be actively involved the most talented students and, moreover, to be created the necessary development perspective for the less prepared ones in the learning process at the Chair. So, the students’ reports are being presented sequentially in the classrooms, and then at the meetings of the student scientific circle, the final scientific conferences, and they are taken into account in the score – rating knowledge assessment.

The examination in the “Normal Physiology” course is practically carried out in the three stages:

1) the credit for the practical skills, in accordance with the list, having recommended by the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation (MPH RF) program and completely approved at the Chair (e.g. they have been presented in “The Workbook”);

2) the test phase – the computer testing at the Chair (e.g. the similar final examination tests have already been presented at the NSMU site;

3) the oral interview – the situational challenges solutions (e.g. the examples and solution algorithm have already been presented in “The Workbook” and at the NSMU site).

According to the module – rating system, for the “satisfactory” assessment it is quite enough the FGOS basic part mastering (e.g. the current and final testing; the ability, knowledge and practical skills possession, the tasks fulfillment for the self – reliant work, the answer to the basic questions in the situational challenges solution), to access the “good” and “excellent” assessments it is necessary in addition to the basic level of the advanced level tests solution, as well as the ability to be given the detailed and deep answer in the situational challenges solution (e.g. all solutions algorithms are quite available for the students).

Thus, the multilevel approach to the learning and formation assessment of the general cultural and professional competences in the students is being introduced at the “Normal Physiology” Chair of the NSMU. So, the used system is practically promoted to the students’ motivation enhancement to study physiology, as well as the students’ skills development to the independent work.

The work is submitted to the VI International Scientific Conference “ Science and education in modern Russia”, Moscow, November, 13–15, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 17.11.2014.

Библиографическая ссылка

Sovershaeva S.L., Sherstennikova A.K., Zashikhina V.V., Tzyganok T.V., Kostrova G.N., Jushmanova L.S. THE MULTILEVEL APPROACH TO STUDENTS’ TEACHING AT THE “NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE” CHAIR OF THE NORTHERN STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY (ARKHANGELSK CITY) // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 9. – С. 12-13;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=6382 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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