Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

Reflection is the main system-forming element of the education

Yunusbaev B.H. 1
1 Institute for Educational Development
1. Yunusbayev B.H. The technology of diagnostic and correctional lesson. Journal.: School technology. – M., 2001. – № 1.
2. Yunusbaev B.H. Reflexive and evaluative self-developing technology (RESDT): Education Manual. – Ufa: BIRO, 2007.
3. Satbaldina S.T., Suhov V.P., Yunusbaev B.H. Systematic and active approach in teaching the subjects of the natural cycle Monograph. – Ufa: Publisher-BIRO, 2007.
4. Yunusbaev B.H. Economic education in teaching biology in a rural school. Monograph. – Ufa: BIRO, 2007.
5. Yunusbaev B.H. Health-saving aspect of diagnostic and correctional teaching technologies. C: Collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference November 5–6, 2004: Vol. 2. // Trends and innovations in chemical education at school Ufa: Publisher RAMSC ME Bashkortostan, 2004.
6. Yunusbaev B.H. System-active approach to the management of the quality of education. G: Vocational education. – M:. CJSC “Miratos”, 2008. –№ 2 – 22 р.
7. Yunusbaev B.H. Reflexive-Evaluated Self-developing Technology. J: Vocational education. – M:. CAS “Miratos”, 2008. – № 3.
8. Website: urokrost.ru.

Activity is defined as algorithm of a person’s purposeful actions on transforming and changing the environment (living, non-living parts of nature and people). It is basically one-way “subject-object” process, during which a person gains experience and develops himself. A specific field of human activity is education and upbringing, where a teacher deals with a student (with a personality), who has his own interests and needs, the abilities to change the world around him. Interpersonal “subject-subjective” relationship is being set between a student and a teacher. It is some process of interaction needs and abilities of both sides of pedagogical process. Supporters of the traditional education stand by the “subject- object” scheme and try unilaterally and authoritarian to transfer ready knowledge (information on the socio – cultural experience of mankind). This is a gross violation of the systemic character, the integrity of the organization of independent learning activity, and it means violation of the person’s development. This is forcible imposition of professional purpose of education to a student, its content and single-channel monitoring and evaluation of learning results. System-activity approach in education implies methodological support and organization of all the elements of a student’s educational activity by a teacher: motivational and valuable (why do I need it?), subjective and informative (what am I learning?), operational thinking (How to do it?), reflexive (What do I want? What have I got?). In the system of developing education the methodology and methods of the active learning has got sufficient development. For example, teachers can skillfully organize a mobilizing beginning of the lesson i.e. goal-setting (to form motivation and interest) through the creation of some educational problem situation and continue organizing specific types of self-learning activities (informational and communicatory activities, collective and individual thinking activity, research and creative activities, practical, productive and economic activities, etc.). Systemic character and integrity of the educational process of learning will be violated due to the lack of some algorithm and methodology all of its components. The paradox is that the reflective stage of the algorithm of the learning activity is absolutely absent. And it is precisely reflection is closing, system-forming, self-developing, element. Methodology and methods of reflective learning remains insufficiently developed. There are practically no control and measuring materials, algorithm and methodical tools of the reflexive thinking development of a student and a teacher.

In the traditional system of teaching and control the reflective element of learning activities of a student is entirely replaced by the external evaluation and monitoring activities of a teacher. In this case, a student is deliberately suspended from opportunities to engage in self-development and self-realization.

The methodological basis of constructing the algorithm of the innovative technology RESDT (Reflexive-Evaluated Self-developing Technology) is the idea of personality-oriented, developing (self-developing) teaching. In this case, system-activity, reflective-evaluative, diagnostic and correctional approaches of organizing the monitoring of the teaching quality are the basic principles of construction of tools and algorithms of RESDT.

As a basis of the criteria for assessing the quality of teaching, and the construction of diagnostic and monitoring we took the model of training activities and at the same time, as it was mentioned above, the organization of self-assessment actions is defined by its system-forming and main developing element.

Innovative approaches of construction of the author’s technology is to achieve professional self-development of a teacher and a student as “subject-subjective” system and their interactions by organizing the management and self-management by the quality of teaching based on system-activity, reflexive, information and communication, and diagnostic and correctional teaching principles. Actually, a special lesson on technology RESDT (Reflexive-Evaluated Self-developing Technology) built on the basis of the organization of reflexive action (reflective thinking) is our innovation. The lesson REST is a system-forming element of the whole system of the teacher’s educational activity.

REST has passed a solid scientific and experimental test. According to the results of studying its effectiveness scientific seminars and conferences were held at the various levels: the Republican scientific-practical conference “The effectiveness of the author diagnostic and correctional teaching” (Ufa, June 2003.), Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Educational diagnostics and monitoring is the basis of management by quality of subject teaching” (Sibay, January 2005), a number of reports, presentations, master-classes, presentation of innovative projects on Russian Education Forum in 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011, reports on the international scientific forums, including the section “Tools e-learning” of the International Conference ONLINE EDUCA MOSCOW 2007. On this educational technology a monograph, over a hundred papers of scientists, educators and practitioners, over 20 printed and 15 electronic teaching aids were published (5 books were published in Moscow), 10 printed and all the electronic aids were issued with the stamp of ME of Republic of Bashkortostan. The description of technology was published in “School Technology № 12”, 2001 and its complete description was issued in the SSC magazine “Secondary Professional Education” № 2 and № 3, 2008.

A number of educational systems: DCTS (Diagnostic and Correctional Training System) and RECS (Reflexive-Estimate Certification System), MARS(Multilevel Automated Reflexive System) and others, built on the basis of RESDT are highly valued in the scientific world and won several awards in scientific forums: The Laureate of VI International Moscow educational forum “School 2002”, the winner of the Moscow educational forum “School 2003”, the winner and finalist of All-Russian contest of innovations in the Russian Education Forum in 2004 and 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.

With the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard RESDT, MARS systems are a type of online public monitoring of teaching quality. In 2009–2010 about 2000 graduates of the country, in 2010–2011 more than 15000 students have been trained for exams online using RESDT. Accordingly, the students have passed 10000 and 50000 exams during 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 academic years. Today more than 80 % of the municipal districts of the country are implementing RESDT in the educational process of their educational institutions. 

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Topical issues of science and education”, Russia (Moscow), May, 20–23 ,2014, came to the editorial office оn 26.05.2014.

Библиографическая ссылка

Yunusbaev B.H. Reflection is the main system-forming element of the education // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 9. – С. 15-16;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=6384 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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