Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

Integration in the formation of the professional manager’s competencies

Tyulu G.M. 1 Krylova N.P. 1
1 Cherepovets State University
1. Davydenko T.M., Benyash M.V. The technology of selective management in creative students potential development in scientific-research work // Modern problems of science and education. – 2012. – № (1).
2. Davydenko T.M., Zhilyakov E.G. About cluster approach to professional competencies formation of graduates // Higher education in Russia. – 2008. – № (7).
3. Kuznetsov V.S. Research-project activity as a form of educational cooperation in university. Synopsis of thesis in candidacy of Pedagogic Sciences. – М., 1996.

The article reveals the analysis of the integration in the formation of the professional manager’s competencies. The process of professional development skills of future managers is under investigation within joint students and university teachers participation by means of research projects and work experience training. There are conclusions concerning importance of cooperation between university departments, region and city for the further professional manager’s skill development.

At the present time the students’ professional skills formation and development is constrained, it happens on the one hand, by means of the translational and reproductive student’s position (while the position of professional experts is characterized by its active, transformative, creative character), students have individual way of academic training activity in contrast to the collective corporate nature of the professional specialists’ activity (Anisimov O.S., Neverkovich S.D., Tyukov A.A. and others). The overcoming of these contradictions or “gaps” between the university and industry, means requirements for changes in educational process, its goals, objectives, content, technology and results.

The process of professional competence formation will be successful if the educational process is integrated with work experience training (real problem and demand solution of enterprises and companies) and research work.

In fact at the present time – up to 40 % of graduate qualification works – are the projects related to enterprises’ orders which are compared favourably with others, not only in respect of problem’s originality, but also concerning approaches’ development to efficiency estimation. As a rule, students involved in such kind of projects have all kinds of work experience practices in the same organization, and then, more likely these students continue to work in that company.

As a matter of fact, such type of work provides the independence and originality of thought, the ability to team work, responsibility, self-discipline, the ability to self-development and self-esteem, in such case we can state the whole student’s involvement into educational and professional activities.

Both students and teachers become the participants of research and project educational activity, it makes the leading stream of educational modernization in university, including its objectives, content, technology and outcome.

Teachers, students as well as employers should be interested in this process, as the ultimate goal – is ensuring of compliance to the quality of student’s training to business needs, and this goal can’t be achieved out of more efficient interaction. Such kind of cooperation provides the basis for teacher’s professional “feeding”, it stimulates his research and innovative activity.

Work experience practice doesn’t fully realize its resource in capacity of educational kind of professional students activity in higher education, the cooperation channel between the university department and employers is also not fully realized. The curriculum of work experience practice has to be annually agreed and corrected, in this way the supervisor of work experience practice can become the “conductor” of joint projects and initiatives.

On the other hand, the analyses of work experience practice reveals that students’ involving into the top research work is restrained, their creative potential is restrained by dominating of particular research area, which weakly correspond to the region’s demand, low degree of participating in the federal and regional programs, low continuity concerning school and university students, the 1st year and 2d year students; there is lack of learning and academic cult among universities; low students motivation in research work (1).

Evidently there are solutions of mentioned problems, other universities have got experience in this area. Davydenko T.M., Benyash M.V. suppose the technology of students’ creative potential management in research work. According to this investigation, the students’ creative potential management in research work means the controlled process which demands selective ways of work. Selectiveness supposes high sensitivity of management entity to changes. In this case the goal is to increase the result in specific growth points under the influence of management impact.

There are 3 steps in selective management process: organizational-selective, resource-motivated, selective support and stimulating. The content of students’ creative development in research work changes from the first stage of “selection” of gifted school children and 1st year and 2d year students, they are involved into research conferences and competitions together with their supervisor, their motivation is supported by publications of research results, going to conferences, and finally these students take part in university department’s projects together with university teachers. The growth point here means the students’ participating in research projects which are implemented in strong partnership with company specialists. Success criteria means publication in top rating issues, taking part in scientific competitions.

The cluster types can differ in their ways of interaction (2). The cluster of the first type – is the interaction between university departments, teachers and students of different specialties. The second cluster involves the interaction between various projects specialties (for example it can be the graduation project of students of different specialties, multisubject projects of different university teachers and departments.

The third type of clusters are the university departments and external partners. The foundation of their cooperation is the agreement concerning working partnership for the purposes of specialist’s training. This cooperation is based on the task setting up and project implementation in behalf of external partners interests, including their participation in this work.

Lately such kind of clusters are appearing in Cherepovets state university. Students take part in work experience practice involving into specific innovative projects and research tasks which include workplace management, business process development, work time study, functional and cost analysis of business processes, tourist project development, regional programs.

Those students who do practical training in “Severstal” JSC are tested at the point of “Entry”, then the most skillful students are chosen, after that at the point of “Exit” each student receives the estimation card of their four basic competences. Annually the research work on efficiency estimation of specific company processes is realized according to some company’s partnership agreements.

The fourth type of cluster is based on the interaction between region, city and the university department. It includes business plan development for small entrepot, regional social projects and programs.

The task of the university departments is to be taught forming the demand of external partners on such projects and programs. That’s why it’s necessary to look into ways to enable such interaction among all types of clusters.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Prospects of development of university research” Sochi, September 23–27, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 06.10.2014.

Библиографическая ссылка

Tyulu G.M., Krylova N.P. Integration in the formation of the professional manager’s competencies // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 9. – С. 28-29;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=6389 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

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