Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425

System modernization of art education in modern socially – economic conditions of the region

Kiselev A.I. 2
2 FGBOU VPO ‟The Chuvash State Pedagogical University of I.Ya. Yakovlev”
1. Russian Federation’s Federal Law № 273-FZ of December 29,2012 «About education in the Russian Federation». Free-running mode: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=146216.
2. Government resolution of the Russian Federation № 295 of April 15,2014 «Development of education for 2013–2020». Free-running mode: http://base.garant.ru/70643472/#help.
3. President’s decree of the Russian Federation № 599 of May 7,2012 «About measures for realization of a state policy in the fields of education and sciences». Free-running mode: http://onf.ru/2013/10/09/majskie-ukazy-vladimira-putina.
4. Russian Federation’s reform project of the Ministry of Culture «Fundamentals of the state cultural policy». Free-running mode: http://mkrf.ru/open-ministry/public-discussions/proekt-osnov-gosudarstvennoj-kulturnoj-politiki.

The key issues of the article are problems of modernization of regional system of continuous art education, organizational, legal and economic reform of art education.

Russian Federation’s Federal Law № 273-FZ of December 29,2012 ‟About education in the Russian Federation” [1] fixed the status of additional education of children (hereinafter – DOD) and formulated the responsibility of subjects for children development, ensure equal access to educational resources, update of the content and technology, infrastructure development according to the changing needs of the population and new social, cultural and economic development of regions.

To resolve the existing distinctions between territorial subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of DOD, to ensure the unity of educational space according to key issues of a state program of the Russian Federation ‟Development of education for 2013–2020” [2], we need to use methods for alignment and stimulation of development and strengthening of institutional capacity according to target approach.

President’s decrees of the Russian Federation formulated tasks of increase in coverage of DOD to 75 % by 2020. Also its provides that up to 50 % of expenditures for these purposes will be funded from the Federal budget [3].

With adoption of law № 273-FZ remained not settled questions of financial security by DOD at children’s schools of arts (hereinafter – CAS) in the sphere of culture. According to the current legislation CAS are not provided with equal rights with educational institutions that implement additional educational programs in the field of education: to receive public and free education, to receive subventions to local budgets in the amount necessary for the full implementation of the educational programs in the arts. In accordance with the order The Russian Federation’s Ministry of Finance № 31н of March 18, 2013 the costs of the maintenance and support of the educational process CAS related to the institutions of extracurricular work with children.

With the amendments to The Budget Code of the Russian Federation (regarding the introduction of a new sub-classification of budget expenditures ‟Additional education” in the ‟Education”) since 2016 will be gradually solved the issues of improving the methodology of budget expenditures in the field of culture.

Today the scope of DOD is one of the fastest growing segments of the market ‟educational services” with the growing volume of investments from the private sector, a high level of innovative activity that allows us to consider the transformation in this area as a priority for innovative development of the country.

In 2016 the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation plans to radically change the system of DOD. Therefore, how this problem will be solved, will depend on future DOD activities in the field of culture.

Maintaining the network of art schools is an important task, focused on the preservation and development of national heritage, continuous traditionally system of continuous art education ‟school – college – university”, maintaining the highest level of professional art in Russia.

Projects Federal Laws ‟About Culture in the Russian Federation” (2015), Development program of Russian musical education for the period from 2015 to 2020 are directed on the solution of priorities in the sphere of culture and on elimination of gaps and contradictions in the current legislation.

According to reforms of the Project of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation ‟Fundamentals of the state cultural policy” we need correction of functions of a set of the ministries and departments, their powers and zones of responsibility, regulations which govern the relations in the sphere of culture and cultural policy, and also the conceptual, organizational, institutional and methodical party of regulation of the relations in these spheres.

According to the Russian Federation’s reform project of the Ministry of Culture ‟Fundamentals of the state cultural policy” [4] we need to adjust the functions of many ministries and departments, their powers and responsibilities, regulatory legal acts that regulate relations in the sphere of culture and cultural policy, as well as the conceptual, organizational, institutional and methodological side of regulation in these areas.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Modern education. problems and solutions», Thailand (Bangkok-Pattaya), 20–30 December, 2015, came to the editorial office оn 04.01.2016.

Библиографическая ссылка

Kiselev A.I., Kiselev A.I. System modernization of art education in modern socially – economic conditions of the region // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2015. – № 12-6. – С. 740-740;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=9328 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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