Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Tytolmin A.V. 1
1 Glazovsky state teacher training college of V.G. Korolenko sciencetific public laboratory «Creativity at the pedagogical activities»
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The article examines the phenomenon of «Creatively developing educational space, tendencies of development creatively developing educational space of pedagogical Institute in modern conditions of continuous pedagogical education of future teachers.

Tillers of intellectual gifts of a person can grow depending not only on a given «environment», but also on a predicted, ordered, organized totality of favourable conditions that create an atmosphere of collaboration and creativity. This part of pedagogic activity can be given a name – «creatively developing educational space» (CDES, TROP in Russian), or «TROPoshere». This abbreviated term contains a new meaning that differs from its traditional definition that is «integrated interactive unity of inspirited search for the unknown, intellectual paradox, realized feeling of a discovery». Unlike «noosphere» by V.I. Vernardskiy, in other words, sphere of Mind or Universal Mind, TROPosphere is a layer of innovative noospheric education that provides for favourable conditions for collaboration, multi-dimensional self-realization, and creative self-development of teachers and students. However, this very layer feeds all participants of innovative educational process with spirits of creativity and valour of discoveries.

In Latin «trop» is a word or a phrase in an allegorical meaning [5, p. 271]. In this context of creative pedagogy abbreviative term «TROP» can be explained not only according to the first letters of basic characteristics of the projected professionalization space of a future teacher, but the term TROP also underlines the priority of a paradox, allegoric statement. A deep sense of such conclusions requires a persistent penetration into the essence of phenomenons, in other words, creative searches of a person who possesses a refreshing quality of integral thinking.

Educational space absorbs social, upbringing, and also internal and external environment of each educational process subject. It is mainly defined by enriching educational-training process with the spirit of learning «co-operation and co-creation». In other words, educational space is human-filled shell of various educational systems. Only under such shell an atmosphere of free search for knowledge and means of activity can exist. Mechanisms of intellectual development – motivational setting and creative activity of a learning person are activated during the process of business collaboration.

Modern pedagogy studies educational space as an important factor that provides for social progress and self-realization of a person. However, in order to solve strategic problem of creative development and self-development, one has to create corresponding, creatively-developing educational space (similar to how a person lives within a single space of a country and, at the same time, within a space of a town or village that feed a city – megapolis and the country with the trained talented people). In order to establish TROP of an educational institution or certain educational system, it is necessary to transform environmental factors of social-psychological direction into spiritually-enriched atmosphere of trust and creativity via realizing innovative ideas of collaboration pedagogy. At the same time, TROP fills subject of educational process with energy of intellectual activity and initiative that define an intense broadening of general outlook, creative way of thinking, and innovative behavior.

TROP should be studied as an atmosphere of collaboration that is created by pedagogically-organized system that directs personality of a student towards its creative self-development.

Educational space of a system of continuous pedagogic education that has a defined material and technical infrastructure and provides for solving problems of a specialist’s professional training, includes social-cultural space that provides for humanistic direction and person-oriented approach towards forming of professional competence of a future teacher. In its turn, TROPosphere, as a sub-space of social-cultural area, establishes the possibility of self-definition and selection of «individual educational route» according to typological aptitude towards different types of creativity and pedagogic activity.

Basic factors that influence productive integration of TROP and the process of pedagogic education are: increase in significance of pedagogy, innovative education, spiritual and moral values, directed towards forming a creative person; broadening of creative component of pedagogic education with a necessity to define principles and methods of euriological activity; significant transformation of the system of interaction between subjects of pedagogic professionalization from «teaching – learning» to collaboration within training-creative activity and increase in part of independent activity and transiting from study-research to scientific research activity of students.

One of important directions of the refreshed professionalization system can be usage of potential TROPosphere abilities through enriching the process of pedagogic professionalization of future teachers with atmosphere of collaboration. As a result, spiritual mood, integration of spiritual conditions that transforms into activity with realization of spiritual needs such as creative activity, efficiency of thinking and acting arise.

Motivation that integrates intrapersonal mechanisms of psychological space of a student-pedagogue also encourages him to act creatively. We can outline the following stimulus of activating professional development of a person within educational system: psychological influence of social-cultural space, need to know creative pedagogy and psychology, standard of creative pedagogic activity and personal self-realization, favourable environment. A skillful usage of the listed conditions can not only provide for a relatively high level of professional-creative competence development, but also create favourable conditions for creatively-enriched process of the whole pedagogic professionalization of a future teacher.

The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Science and education in contemporary Russia», Moscow, November, 13-15, 2013, сame to the editorial office on 07.11.2013.

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URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4613 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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