Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Nikonova Y.I. 1
1 Novosibirsk branch office of scientific-educational institution of higher professional education «Moscow institute of entrepreneurship and law»
1. Y.I. Nikonova Innovative policy with in national economy state regulation system: monograph / Y.I. Nikonova; ed. by A.G. Ivasenko, Novosibirsk, Ed. office of Novosibirsk state technical university, 2010.
2. Novikov D.A. Introduction into the theory of managing educational systems. / D.A. Novikov. – Moscow, Egves, 2009. – 156 p.
3. Nikonova Y.I. Contents, essence, and basic principles of forming innovative policy of developing economic systems // Fundamental research. – 2011. – № 8.
4. Kolesnikova I.A. Pedagogic praxeology: textbook for students of higher pedagogic educational institutions / I.A. Kolesnikova, E.V. Titova. – Moscow, Ed. center «Academy», 2005. – Р. 47–58.

Innovative activity becomes the most efficient form of intensifying reproductive processes in terms of transformation of world economy. The level of innovative activity defines temper of economic growth, competitiveness, social development and ecological situation at the level of separate enterprises, sectors, and economy as a whole. Innovative processes make it possible to overcome recourse crisis via transiting economy to a new level of quality, thus providing for solving a triple problem that is written down within the concept of stable development – unity of social, ecological, and economic goals.

Providing for correspondence between an educational system and demands of presence is possible according to the universal principle of development that realizes through new ideas on the developing world and usage of information in management. Innovative policy of educational area becomes its tool of managing development. In this case innovative activity of different subjects of education serves as a tool of management.

A system of measures and direction of a state’s acts that aim for creating a complex mechanism of supporting innovative activity in field of education, increasing competitiveness of Russian education system through the system of institutional alterations, developing and improving regulative basis, and developing infrastructure of innovative process in educational system is defined as innovative policy [1].

Innovative policy has its strategic and tactical aspects. Tactics and strategy are different temporal horizons, therefore, their goals and methods aren’t equal in their scale. Innovative strategy is a long-term programme, it is oriented towards long-term perspective. In can be defined specifically as a system of conceptual settings that emerge from long-term goals that define a nature of distributing recourses between trajectories of innovative development of education system, and also their re-distribution in case internal or external conditions of if its functioning alter. Innovative tactics pursues closest problems of a given period. Tactics is correction of strategic course that considers modern situation. Strategy and tactics exist in dialectic dependence, however, the former is more stable [3].

Developing and realizing innovative policy within the system of education is provided by a cumulative subject of managing education development. It is important to create cumulative subjects of managing implementation of development strategy in order to develop and implement regulative documents of innovative policy: group (creative groups, methodic unions, teams of professionals); collective (pedagogic union of an education system, professional-managing unions); corporative (educational institutions, training organizations); integrative (scientific-managing and social-pedagogic unions); network (totality of people that is formed according to communications in global informative or social training networks) [4].

Efficiency of an innovative policy of developing educational sector is mainly defined by a degree of widening dialectic conflicts between function and development. Innovations are not only factors of development, but also are factors of transforming conditions of an educational system’s function. Being introduced into the tissue of functioning, innovations provide for the very development.

Dialectic unity of processes of functioning and development of an educational system serves as a significant methodologic foundation of forming and realizing innovative policy of developing educational sector.

Education system represents a complex of sub-systems: pedagogy, in which educational process is implemented; economy, in which financial-economic mechanisms operate; society in which its participants – people, their groups and unions initiate social relations between each other and with environment; organization, in which efficiency of managing educational system is provided, and confirmation of pedagogic, economic, and social aspect of its activity takes place [2]. Therefore, in order to define managing mechanisms of its development, one should outline corresponding innovative processes within these sub-systems (pedagogic, economic, social-pedagogic innovations, organization-management and innovative processes within educational system) and consider their specific features.

Nowadays innovative policy is a component of state social-economic policy in developed countries. State regulation of innovative processes within economic, technologic, cultural, national, military, social, and educational areas should provide for their system development.

Библиографическая ссылка

Nikonova Y.I. INNOVATIVE POLICY OF DEVELOPING EDUCATION SYSTEM IN RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 34-34;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4616 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024).

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