Научный журнал
Международный журнал экспериментального образования
ISSN 2618–7159
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,425


Przhedetskiy Y.V. 1 Przhedetskaya N.V. 2
1 FSBI «The Rostov Cancer Research Institute» the Russian Federation Ministry of Health
2 The Rostov State Economic Academy (RINH)
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2. Kutyrev V.A. The Modernization: Against Thoughtless Innovationism – for Controlled Development // The Philosophy of Economy. The Almanac of the Center of the Social Sciences and the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University (MSU) after M.V. Lomonosov. – 2011. – № 2.
3. Zhizhin K.S. Some Challenges of Higher Medical Education Integration in the European Space // The Modern Science Intensive Technologies. – 2010. – № 9. – Р. 117–118;
4. Petrov S.V., Balakhonov A.V., Molitvin M.N., Fionik V. The Modern Challenges of Higher Medical Education // The Bulletin of the Saint – Petersburg University. – 2006. – Ser.11, vol. 3. – Р. 130–141.
5. http://www.dss-school.ru/aksiologicheskoe_vospitanij_studentov_kak_sostavljyushaj.html.

The economic agents’ competitiveness in the knowledge economy is depended and defined by the human capital further development level and the education system. The human resources quality further improvement is practically being developed under the continuous development conditions, therefore many countries of them are tended to be taken the rightful place in the general planetary labor division, and the global income assignment.

The quality requirements level of the human capital is being increased, which it is implied the human beings’ role rethinking in the continuity of the Institutional reforms of the medical education and the relevant changes acceleration conditions, under the knowledge economy level formation, and its further development context conditions. As the society, well as its individuals should be able not only to be adapted to such changes, but also to be anticipated all of them.

So, the human qualitative characteristics are played the special role in the knowledge economy: the knowledge, skills (e.g. the experience gained), qualification, ability to the lifelong learning, self-perfection, and creativity. The worker’s personal qualities are played the undeniable role: the versatile development, responsibility, initiative, integrity, and communication skills. Thus, the employee’s moral characteristics again have been become their particular significance in the medical world: honesty, conscientiousness, sympathy, empathy, and co-ownership.

The significant investment is required in the medical specialists, and the professionals training and re-training system and the medical education, in general, to be achieved the human factor high quality. The human capital further development management is practically aimed at its quality improvement, the human resources further development, for all this, the power subjects may be acted, as the potential at all the levels and also in all the spheres of the business community, as well as the civil society, in general.

The modern comprehension of the social progress is being concentrated around the man’s challenge. The economy’s innovation model is practically typical for all the countries, that can be efficiently developed and be used the human capital. The differences strengthening rise between the societies that have their means for their stability strengthening, on the basis of the human capital, is acted by the watershed between the competitive and lagging in their further development countries and also those countries and states, for which the impossibility of the advanced technologies mastering will be constantly put increasingly higher barriers in their further development.

So, the knowledge economy further evolution is practically predicted on the products’ and the services’ expanding markets concept, in which the knowledge has been become to be acted, as the market products. «The product – knowledge» and «the service – knowledge» are being produced, advertized, sold, and bought at the quite different markets in the same way, as the typical products and the corresponding services. At the same time, the knowledge and the services product market is practically more complex Institutional formation, than the classical market, which is familiar to the economists.

So, the going to the knowledge economy is generated the challenges, which are raised during the human society further evolution process, and it is reflected the whole imperfection of this process, on one hand, and, on the other hand, it is determined this movement possibility in the framework of the already formed Institutes and the need for the changes to be resolved all these given challenges.

Today, there are a number of the system-leveled and their origin challenges, which are difficultly to be solved or even they are, inherently, accompanied the further development in the presence of the existing basic Institutes and the already formed medical education structure. One gets the feeling, that to address all these crucial challenges the modern society is not trying to be started up or it cannot be found the most efficient recipes. Under all these conditions, the economy image of the medical knowledge, as the model for the future, it can be presented by these challenges presence, as well as by the Institutes, having intended for their successful solution.

To all these challenges, from our point of view, are included the following:

  • the long and steady decline in the prestige of the medical professions, that is the public indicator of the health sector sphere situation, which is indicated on the low public satisfaction with the health care system situation;
  • the mass graduates schools enrolling in the Medical Institutes of Higher education with their low (e.g. really) ASE points and the complete lack of the motivation, as well as learning ability;
  • the students’ lack of convincing motivation to be acquired their knowledge intensive, due to the salaries’ low level for the medical and health workers;
  • «the informational stress», having conditioned by the avalanche-like increase of the scientific and medical knowledge, which are not able to be accommodated the modern man’s brain. According to the RF Deputy Minister of Health T.V. Yakovleva’s words, the knowledge are being became obsolete, today, at 15 % annually, and they are fully updated in 6 years (e.g. 72 months);
  • the recruited number of the young teachers is not compensated for the aging process of the faculty body. This is understandable by the material failure of the vacancies offered. The number reducing of the qualified of scientific and pedagogical staff, the reducing demands to the students and trainees has already been led to the alarming situation: «there is nobody to be taught and no one to teach».

So, these challenges solution is quite possible only at the holistic approach using, as all the challenges are interrelated and interdependent, and their resolution should be systemic.

Today, the process of education in the medicine cannot be considered in the isolation from the educational work. It is obvious the fact, that the career – oriented activities should be began from the school, but much better from the kindergarten bench, through «the medical groups», and the classes, where the necessary knowledge and the skills will be presented in the group, and then, in the scientific and practical form. This is the only way to be developed the right system of the value orientations and the ideological positions at the future doctor.

The modern education is the continuous and universal one, so the task of the educational services market operators, having implemented the marketing technologies further development, is to enable a person possibility to be learnt throughout his life. The contemporary medical science dynamism, which continually are risen to the quite new areas of the activity and the professions, is required the constant changes qualifications, the adaptations to the new challenges of further development. Thus, the qualitatively new challenges, having faced before the modern system of the medical education, are required its serious Institutional modernizations.

The marketing instruments and the technologies are made the structure of the diverse educational programs more balanced, which has been made the direct influence on the human capital further development. It is significant to be distinguished the programs for the people without any job experience (e.g. the pre-experience programs), and also the programs for people with the clinical or the scientific work experience (e.g. the post-experience programs) at the programs’ formulating and the trainees’ selection in the medical education system. For example, in a number of the programs the work experience requirement in the clinic is not quite obvious, however the specialists’ competence level identification and the factors accounting, having provided the choice of the training priority forms, have been made the significant influence on the educational programs’ content in the medicine.

The marketing tools for the prospects assessing for the education system further development, the professionals’ employment and quality are needed to the Advanced Research Scientific Institutions (ARSI) and the Medioprophylactic Institutions (MPI) for the orientation on the human capital further development. The effective system of the quality assessment of the professionals’ retaining of the medical professions is quite needed for these processes’ efficiency. Thus, it had been identified the need of the fact, that the professional examination was put beyond the organizational structure of the Medical educational Institution.

The famous Russian medical schools have already been formed and established quite a long time ago, but now, they are forced to be further developed in the globally competitive environment, for all this, the market operators have to be competed for both, as for the teachers, well as for the students. So, this specific feature of the medical educational services market will be undoubtedly contributed to the new marketing instruments and their techniques further development, having aimed at the market share increasing, and the resources attraction for the further development, especially, the human capital.

At the Russian medical education market, it may be distinguished a number of the factors, having limited the demand for the educational services, the main ones of which are the following: the high cost for this kind of the services in the leading Medical educational Institutions of the country; the low level of the young professionals’ welfare; the obvious advantages misunderstanding of the modern knowledge owning, and as well as the isolating inability of the quite necessary knowledge from the giant and fast – growing array of the modern scientific and medical information.

So, the potential consumers of the educational services should be formed their demand for the medical education services, having focused not only on the domestic educational and the scientific organizations. For all this, they must have the good basic training, without which it is quite impossible the adequate mastering and assimilation of the scientific and medical information of the private order.

The students and the graduate students must choose the best stage of the programs of the professionals’ training and their retraining at the global and the national markets of the medical education, having taken into account the quality and the cost of the primary and the secondary programs. So, it should be noted, that today, the Russian Medical Institutions, for the most part, do not very eager to have their employees’ staff trained in the foreign Medical higher schools.

The domestic medical education emerging market should be gone the way from the foreign specialists’ and professionals’ attraction, as well as the Medical higher schools to the integrated educational programs to be created. At the present stage of the Russian Medical science further development, we can already recognize the urgent task of the educational services export ensuring, which can be solved, on the basis of the marketing and the organizational management of the human capital further development. Under these circumstances, the marketing instruments and the technologies will be provided not only the competitiveness of the Russian Medical educational programs and the organizations, but also the attractiveness of the Russian Medical educational Institutions for the foreign consumers.

So, the intellectual further development of the countries is quite impossible without the priority investment in the man, science, educational technologies further development, as well as the instruments to be promoted them. The marketing instruments of the human capital further development are being produced in the knowledge economy, and they are acted, as the component of the social further development, the aim of which is o be created and to be increased the unique knowledge and the new technologies potential on their basis, the products, the processes, having promoted to the economic agents’ competitiveness growth.

The changes producers in the knowledge economy are being acted not only the economic agents, but also the Institutions, which are fully included the state educational Institutions of the higher professional education in the field of the medicine and SRI. So, the special area of the given higher education should be considered the programs, as the part of the educational programs, having tailed directly to the needs of the specific Institutes of higher education, the Colleges, the Universities, ASRI or MPI. There are many concepts and the organizational forms of the enterprise program applications: from the training and the consulting programs, having implemented by many Medical Institutes of higher education, the Medical Colleges, the Medical Universities, to the corporate Universities to be created, that can be expanded the sphere of their influence, on the basis of the marketing technologies and the specific instruments.

So, the marketing technologies further development has been made the significant impact not only on the educational system further development in the medicine, but also on the human capital formation, on the basis of the specialized programs and the special courses.

Thus, such programs further implementation and their realization is practically aimed not only the medical personnel’s training and retraining, but as well as the specialists’ and the professionals’ unique medical knowledge and the corresponding competences, and skills formation, having focused on the substantial further development strategy, the intellectual and the human capitals, having allowed to be realized the competitive advantages.

In the Russian Medical Institutions, the Medical Institutes of higher education, the Medical Colleges, the Medical Universities, it has been already accepted to be proud of the education and the competences level of their staff. However, the human capital further development, on the basis of the specialists’ and the professionals’ training and retraining system is practically needed the marketing management by this process, due to the fact, that it has been noted in the domestic market, firstly, the specialists’ and the professionals’ excess with their higher Medical education at the paradoxical lack of the highly qualified medical personnel management; secondly, the inability of the modern Medical educational Institutions to be prepared the specialists and the professionals on demand. So, the modern Medical education, as a set of the Medical sciences and disciplines, unfortunately, does not form the proper attitude of the future physician to such significant concepts, as pain, suffering, and death. All these categories, in terms of the axiological and corresponding ethical and deontological filling, should be achieved and grasped during the training stage mandatory.

In the context of the massive expansion of the modern scientific and medical information, it is seemed appropriate to be revised the curricula for the in-depth study of the basic knowledge, then the mastering of the modern information flows of the Medical scientific data. So, probably, it can be neglected by the intermediate knowledge, which is outdated, inconsistent or have only their historic significance. This approach has been dictated by the finite capacity of the human memory and the brain function, in general. Namely, here, the sustained trend explanation to the vocational guidance «narrowing» in the scientific and medical world, as in our country, well as abroad has been laid.

One of the main marketing instruments of the Russian Medical education further development should be the programs’ share expansion in the foreign languages, especially, the English language. The specific feature and its peculiarity of the English – language programs introduction is the audiences’ auditorium forming marketing technologies use, that should be the foreign languages speakers. If the students and the teachers are the Russian – speaking ones, then the programs will not be able to be the export – orientated ones.

To the marketing instruments of the international educational environment formation, it may be included the foreign scientists’, scholars’ and the researchers’ attraction technologies, as well as the bilingual design technology diploma on the graduation of the Medical Institute of higher education, the Medical College, the Medical University or the University Medical residency.

Thus, the marketing instruments in the human capital further development and the medical personnel training must be taken into account their further development whole specifics, the focus on the people development at the different hierarchical levels of the medical organizations management, the qualities necessary for the corporate strategy implementation of the consistent and the continuing Medical education. For all this, the marketing instruments are practically allowed to be identified the needs of the Medical Institutes of higher education, the Medical Colleges, the Medical Universities, ASRI and MPI and in accordance with that, to be produced the high quality level in the teaching, having based on the forms and the methods meaningfulness of the specific training programs. Thus, the New times are required the sensibly – centric concept, and this, in its turn, is being dictated the urgent need to be accelerated the further transition to the innovation Medical education.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Current problems of education», Greece, October, 15-24, 2013, came to the editorial office оn 01.10.2013.

Библиографическая ссылка

Przhedetskiy Y.V., Przhedetskaya N.V. THE HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT: CHALLLENGES, MARKETING TECHNOLOGIES AND PROSPECTS OF THE RUSSIAN MEDICAL EDUCATION // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 99-103;
URL: https://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=4640 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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